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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by andrewdlo

  1. Hi, Found the issue, ignore the manual (my version at least) the bulb for the top centre mounted brake light is a 16w bulb not a 5w bulb. I believe it's called a W16W the guy at ford just called it "the fatter one"! Thanks
  2. Hi, I'm new to this forum & I wish I had found you guys a long time ago as I've had a few niggling issues with my 2006 Galaxy (MkIII?). Most of them electrical, except for a new DM fly, gearbox & clutch at only 40k ;( The current issue is a "Stop Lamps Bulb Fault" warning message. I initially found that the top centre mounted stop lamp had blown & replaced it with a new 501/W5W LED bulb, but that wasn't bright enough & the LED bulb flashed when the brake was depressed, although the 2 side bulbs just lit up no flashing. The warning message stayed on as well so I thought the system might not like the LED bulb. So I installed some new conventional filament bulbs although they don't even light up even though the LED did??? Weirdly, I get 10.7v across the contacts, about 13v when the engine is running, I also checked the new bulbs on the luggage compartment light & they are fine. Is the bulb for the top just a normal W5W/501 5W bulb? It may be a silly question, as I'm usually driving, but is the top centre mounted stop lamp supposed to flash or not? Also, which of the red sections & 11 bulbs are supposed to light up when the brake is depressed? I only get 3 the top & 2 the 2 P2W1's on the side under the indicators light up, none from the lights on the tailgate? I've also checked all 11 bulbs in the red sections, the 2 reverse & 2 indicators with a multimeter for continunity & a quick swap to light them up, all bulbs are ok. Would appreciate any ideas? Thanks
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