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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    Mk2 galaxy tdi 150
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Newbie (1/8)



  1. Hi I maybe breaking my mk2 ford galaxy due to head gasket pressuring the Coolant system The nature of this post is I'm trying to weight up if I should break it or fix it if I can make £900 in parts of close to it I will break the car So if any one is interested in parts could they post below what parts are required and offers on all parts please
  2. Still got any parts?
  3. Hi I'm new to this forum I have a 2001 ford galaxy tdi150 I have had the car a couple off weeks now when I bought the car the speedo was jammed at 65mph I have vag com so I plugged it in and done a Dial test all dials worked Barr speedo it was jumping on the spot Tool dials apart oiled up the speedo needle and worked it back and forward as it was tight now it moves freely Dail test take 2 now all dials work when tested on vag com Road test speedo still not working scanned with vag com and still has a g22 speedo fault I have the dancing fuel gauge also I read some where that these are linked together Any ideas? Thanks scott
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