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  1. Hi all Thanks for all the replies, they are very helpful. Changed the droplinks, no difference. I had replaced all the suspension arms last year, so I know what the noises are like. I had a good look round the arms, all the bushes are ok. I used my breaker bar to get some leverage on them, also cheked exhaust, top mounts, springs, and all the bolts in the engine/gearbox mounts. It seems as tho its the coming from the gearbox, so to rule out driveshafts I swapped out mine with my brothers who owns Alhambra also, this made no difference. I have no trouble selecting gears, so could it be the dif ? its the ony thing left. Thanks for all your help Chips
  2. Thanks for the quick replies, I'll have a look and see. I appreciate the help. Chips
  3. Hi all I was pulling out of junction onto a busy road, had to accelerate hard changed into second gear and heard a loud crack from the front, sounded like something had broke. So I pulled into a layby checked the brakes and the steering, it all felt ok. Decided I would drive her home. I couldn't feel anything wrong the rest of the drive home, only a couple of miles. The steering, brakes etc, felt as usual. I got to the side streets where I live and turning left another loud crack, and now rattling every time I go over speed bumps or uneven ground. When I got home I had a look underneath to see if I could see anything hanging off. I noticed that the grease from the passenger side CV joint was all round the inside of my rim. I ordered a new CV joint and replaced it, but the old CV joint seems ok, but to be safe I replaced it anyway. While I had the car up on the axle stands I had a good look underneath to see if I could see what had broken, but I couldn't see anything, I pulled and banged and shook everything I could, but didn't see anything. I started the car and noticed the driverside drive shaft is vibrating quite badly. The car still drives as she did. The loud rattling, its almost a jingling, like loose brake pads but a lot louder, happens over speed bumps and uneven ground, and started after the "Crack". Are there any bolts that are prone to breaking or anything else for that matter. I havn't driven the car bar to the place to work at it, because the crack really sounded like something metal had snapped. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks Chips
  4. Hello Everyone. I'm Chips, from Northern Ireland. I have a Seat Alhambra SE 1999 110bhp AFN. Great forum here, with a lot of information, I'm glad to be here. Chips
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