Hi all I was pulling out of junction onto a busy road, had to accelerate hard changed into second gear and heard a loud crack from the front, sounded like something had broke. So I pulled into a layby checked the brakes and the steering, it all felt ok. Decided I would drive her home. I couldn't feel anything wrong the rest of the drive home, only a couple of miles. The steering, brakes etc, felt as usual. I got to the side streets where I live and turning left another loud crack, and now rattling every time I go over speed bumps or uneven ground. When I got home I had a look underneath to see if I could see anything hanging off. I noticed that the grease from the passenger side CV joint was all round the inside of my rim. I ordered a new CV joint and replaced it, but the old CV joint seems ok, but to be safe I replaced it anyway. While I had the car up on the axle stands I had a good look underneath to see if I could see what had broken, but I couldn't see anything, I pulled and banged and shook everything I could, but didn't see anything. I started the car and noticed the driverside drive shaft is vibrating quite badly. The car still drives as she did. The loud rattling, its almost a jingling, like loose brake pads but a lot louder, happens over speed bumps and uneven ground, and started after the "Crack". Are there any bolts that are prone to breaking or anything else for that matter. I havn't driven the car bar to the place to work at it, because the crack really sounded like something metal had snapped. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks Chips