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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by Abraham

  1. Hi Thanks again for all your help, I have now got the idea, and will give it all a go tomorrow. Its so nice here in Manchester I am taking the grand children out this after noon. I will speak to a locksmiith and have a couple of keys cut on Tuesday when the holiday rush has died down.Thanks again, and I hope you enjoy the weekend, Take care, Ibrahim.
  2. Hi Gregers I will have a chat with a mobile locksmith to see what he can do, I only have the one key and thats not coded, but it locks and unlocks does the alarm and of course starts the car. I have spoken to a locksmith and the the ford dealers, but they were not helpful, they didn`t seem to know what they were talking about, they seemed to just suggest things that might or might not work, confused me realy. I am going to see a locksmith tomorrow, the best I have been offered so far is having a key made and coded to the car so it would start. I only got one key with the car and it didn`t have any batteries in it so though it would start the car it couldn`t work on remote. Thanks for your help, Regards, Abraham. I the car and it didn`t have any batteries in it. Thanks for your help, Regards, Abraham.
  3. Brilliant, the only thing I am worried about is I have only one key, and I am worried if I get it wrong I might not be able to start the car, I dont know whether to risk it or not. Thanks for all the time you have devoted to this problem, I realy am grateful. I wondered about only having one key, but but being of the older generation I just thought I would get more cut. Thanks again, you have been a great help. Regards, Abraham.
  4. Thanks Brian, yes I did that and luckily found the code, now I can listen to some music. Silver beast sent me a link for the Alambra, wich is more of less the same as the as the Galaxy and this seems to tell all I need to know. The only problem I have now is I only got one key with the car, this opens the doors, alarm and ignition, so I am ok for starting it etc, but It didn`t have batteries, now I have put the batteries in I cant program it, and the MD said I need another working key to be able to program it. I will figure a way around it somhow though. Thanks for your kind help, Regards, Abraham.
  5. I know now why you didnt get my email, as I have just done it again. After writing my answers in great detail I went onto the link you kindly gave and downloaded the manual, I then went back to finish the email to you and guess what, I`d lost it. Oh well here I go again. I got the batteries and they flash up so thats ok. The lady at Ford said it would cost £65 to program it and I would need two keys. I came home and looked up on how to program but didn`t have much luck, something worked as I pressed the unlock three times the front windows went up, gave me a laugh if nothing else. I have the pin, I got that off the dealer so I could download the manual but it wouldn`t exept 2006 and Galaxy or the pin, so your link is hopefuly a blessing. What is VAG-COM/VCDS-LITE? Another thing I was going to try is getting touch with a mobile locksmith and asking if he could help. So I will have a good go tomorrow, I have patience so will succeed or not. Thank you verry much for your time and trouble, I think this is all part of knowing my Gal. Take care, Abraham.
  6. I tried the same , the front windows came down every time, I had to put the keys in the ignition to get them up again, still I had a laugh.
  7. I have just bought and had put in batteries for my key fob, but told It would need to have it reprogramed at the cost of £36+, so when I saw this information I thought I had it sussed, only to find there is no keyhole on the passenger side of my car. Apart from the £36 I would have to have another key to program it to. I suppose I can just use the key. I need a spare key, but if I have one cut it wont start the engine or will it?
  8. Thanks I looked in the glovebox and found it earlier and emailed silverbeast but the message didn`t show on this page, I have also found the childs lock switches in the doors, I still cant download the manual even with year 2006 make Galaxy that didn`t work so I tried pin also no go. Next thing is try to sort out a key, cost £135 plus having it coded or whatever they do, I thought a bit pricey. the only key I got, didn`t have batteries so once they are fitted I might go for just a plain key, but would that start the engine? Anyway thanks for your kind reply, Regards, Abraham
  9. Thanks, I will go to the Ford dealer for the batteries. Aha now I know what you mean about the locks I will do that tomorrow. While I am at the Ford dealers I will show him the radio booklet where it has a space for the code, but in it is written no code or what looks like it. Thank you for your time, I am pleased with the car, especialy as the Garage did everything that needed doing before they would let me have it. Regards, Abraham.
  10. Would it be coming from the power steering that is that colour and consistancy?
  11. Hi Folks, I have just bought a 2006 Galaxy and tried to download the manual, but giving both year, model and when that failed the pin, according to them no manual to match this info. What I wanted to know was what batteries for the ignition keys, as there were non inside. The back doors will not open from inside, I tried the normal lock device on the front door, works everything but still cant open the doors from the inside, is there another button somewhere? Car Radio, tells me to enter code, I look in the radio manual but it says no code, tried 0000,1234,just 5 altogether had 5 goes, I think you are allowed 10 goes before the end of the world, so dont want to risk guessing anymore., Any answers will be gratefuly received. Regards, Abraham.
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