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    Ford Galaxy 2300 16V GLX '97 Dutch

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  1. I have had the MAF replaced 3 times now. The last time it last for only 1,5 years. Poor quality sensor
  2. I have the same problem for ages. I have read that the problem is a bad contact in the print circuit of the instrument panel
  3. C it the LT lead to the coil. Due to the heat of the cylinder head the PVC isolation cracks after a year of 7-8. I had the total wiring cable replaced.
  4. o yeh, forgotten, clean your idle air valve
  5. I have had similar problems, see older threads you should check or just replace the following items MAF sensor, lamda sensor, carefully check wiring (broken isolation) and connections exaust gas recirculation valve (stuck)
  6. coughing up oil?? it only passes excaust gases .
  7. the trouble is that that the ford engine is a very complex system with many sensors and controllers (more than 40) each of them can fail. certainly some of them will fail after some years or will gradually fail, causing strange driving behaviour. You can exchange all sensors but it will cost you a fortune. A ECU diagnosis could point out the defect part, then you are lucky. My experience is that some faults can not be diagnosed, f.e. a shorted cable. in that case you have to work systematicly, replace/clean suspect parts and see if it has effect to the driving behaviour, starting with the Air control Valve. see the forum topic
  8. I seriously doubt the ECU has gone. It's working or not. my guess: wireloom to the sensors / vacuum leak
  9. there could be many causes: -coil -leads -wiring loom to coils -EGR valve stuck -duff lambda sensor - MAF search on 'hestistating' in the forum
  10. just cleaned mine ACV last week. Had also randomly tickover problems. Accidently the car completly stalled at a traffic light. I cleaned it with carb cleaner . the valve must move freely. I put some drops engine oil on it to lubricate it. Now it's fixed
  11. had 2 mafs replaced in 4 years time. when ok the car runs much smoother. When kicking down the pedal it's feeling it acts with some delay, but with more power. When defect it reacts more directly and noisier .
  12. check your the tube from crankcase ventilation to the airintake. this may be clogged with mayo.
  13. I guess the air control valve, try cleaning it first. also a duff lamda sensor or bad contacts of the connector can make the mixture too lean, could also resulting in high revs.
  14. I guess the air control valve, try cleaning it first. also a duff lamda sensor or bad contacts of the connector can make the mixture too lean, also resulting in high revs.
  15. too soft. the tyres have a much higher tyre pressure than other cars. I should be checked regulary, they tend to loose pressure easy
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