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Everything posted by degens

  1. Thanks for all the suggestions - i got my cable and plugged in to see the following faults 18074 - Valve for Pump-Jet: Cylinder 1 (N240): Electrical Malfunction P1666 - 35-00 - - 16685 - Shareware Version. To Decode all DTCs P0301 - 35-00 - Please Register/Activate I then cleared and ran the car and only got the one below re-occuring. 18074 - Valve for Pump-Jet: Cylinder 1 (N240): Electrical Malfunction P1666 - 35-00 - - I checked the wiring to the injector which looked okay but took it off and cleaned it a bit. Cleared the faults again and haven't had a problem again since (1 week ago). Well worth the 16 quid for the cable from E-bay - rather than the 88 quid Ford wanted just to read them. Going to get a cable for my MG ZT now !
  2. Thanks both of you. I have ordered a cable from E-bay (hope I have the right one - got the one for Volkswagon) and downloaded some software so hopefully I will soon know what the problem is. Cheers Phil.
  3. Hi, my wife has been complaining about poor running on her 2001 Galaxy 1.9TDi. First thing on a morning she sets off and it is fine. As the car warms up it starts to judder (like a misfire) and runs awful with no acceleration. If she pulls over, swtiches off and back on again it continues to run fine. It also doesn't do it again all day, even if stood while she is at work. I tried unplugging the MAF sensor (cos it seems to be mentioned a lot) before setting off yesterday but it was running awful straight away, even without waiting to get warm. So I don't think it is related to that. Any ideas would be helpful as I am supposed to be pulling the caravan on holiday on Saturday. I did try the ford garage but they wanted
  4. On my old V6 (N Reg) there was a switch on the brake pedal that gets pressed as the pedal goes down. It was black if I remember correctly. I had a problem with the brake lights not coming on and it was this that needed adjusting as the brake pedal was not needing to travelling as far down after new pads etc. If you pressed really hard it came on but under normal braking you didn't need much travel and so it wasn't activated It is fiddly to get to but I managed it by laying in the footwell with my head in the pedal area under the dashboard. I can't remember exactly how to adjust it, but if you take it off I think it was quite obvious.
  5. Thanks - I think I will take the towbar off and see if it improves. We had the towbar fitted from day 1 and it was fine for months. But I can't remember if the problems started when I added the Caravan Stabalier bracket. The Bracket pushes the towbar out another 10mm an the bracket itself sticks out about 5mm further on either side. Cheers Phil.
  6. When we bought our '51' plate TDi in November we were told it had just had to have a new compressor. By the March the Climate control had packed up. This time it was a broken pipe apparently! Seems okay now - comfortable but doesn't get very cold.
  7. I have had a look through existing posts on the subject of Parking Sensors and Towbars but I have a further question. The local Ford Dealer has said my parking sensors are not working due to the Towbar - despite telling me on the last 2 occassions I took it in "they were working fine while they had the car". When I take the car out of reverse and drive off forwards the tone continues until I switch it off on the dash board. Surely this means that it is the front sensors detecting something? Don't the rear ones only operate in reverse? If this is the case then they are talking rubbish - if not I need to do some investigation. Cheers Phil.
  8. They beep constantly even when nothing is in the way. I must admit I don't know if this continues in normal driving because I have switched them off by then as they drive me mad - I will have to try leaving them on. I think it might only be the front ones causing the problem as the switch on the dash stops it. I do have a towbar fitted but they were fine for some time after this was done. When I said about water or dirt causing the problem I meant would it detect these and cause a false reading. Cheers Phil.
  9. The Parking Sensors on our Galaxy only seem to work half the time. The rest of the time they are on constantly and we have to switch them off on the dash. The problem is very intermittent. Can anyone tell me if water or dirt is likely to be the cause. It seems a bit naff if they are triggered so easily. Cheers Phil
  10. I have a 2001 115 TDi Ghia. It is the wife's really so I have only had a short drive but seems nice. Makes me realise my brakes on the previous one probably weren't very good - I nearly put myself through the window the first time I pressed the brake. Nice to have the extra bits, my other didn't even have aircon. And the fuel economy should be better. That was the reason for changing really. Would have liked the Multimedia system for the kids but can't afford that. Phil.
  11. Thanks JB that worked. Pity the Ford Dealer didn't know that. It doesn't fill me with confidence in them. Wife has also reported vibration on the motorway at 70mph - so much for the extensive RAC inspection. :angry:
  12. I picked up my new 2001 galaxy last night and the Trip computer and Climate Control show all temperatures in Fahrenheit rather than Centigrade as shown in the manual. Does anyone know whether you can change these and if so how? If I can't do it myself can they do it at the ford dealer. The service department didn't seem to know. Thanks Phil.
  13. Rammy - in reality I think the last check I did I got 11mpg but I am towing a lot. We have a 7metre 6 berth caravan and 5 kids. So we are towing 7 people's stuff, 6 bikes and a large awning, etc, etc. We are replacing our V6 though purely due to the cost of petrol. The wife only tends drive to and from schools in the week with the ocassional further trip to the shops. Furthest school is only about 3 miles away and she seems to put
  14. I am just waiting to pickup my new 1.9TDi (115PS). Although it is 2 year old I looked at the MPG in the brochure for the new ones and it seemed to suggested you should get about 50mpg on the motorway and 32 around town. Fuel consumption was my only reason for replacing my 2.8 so I would be very disappointed if I don't get into the 40s with the mpg. I noticed on the test drive around the town (only a couple of miles or so) it got to 30mpg.
  15. Thanks for that JB. I saw the 1999 Sharan but the model was replaced with the new one in 2000 wasn't it? So I wondered whether they introduced any new safety features. For example the one I am getting has side airbags which my current one doesn't. I suppose a 3 star rating is okay - still better than the Kia (2 star) I was looking at. Cheers Phil.
  16. I have just replaced my 2.8V6 1996 galaxy with a 2001 1.9 TDi (115PS). Pick it up this week. I notice that the EURONCAP rating exists for the 1999 Sharan and gives a 3 Star. There doesn't appear to be a rating for the new model. Does anyone know if there were significant changes made to safety. It is likely to be a 4 or 5 star or still a 3? The other question is that I notice some people say they have towed successfully with the TDi, however I have 5 children and a large 7 metre, 6 berth caravan. We are obviously therefore carrying 7 people's stuff and 5 bikes. The 2.8 handled this fine even if I did only get about 10mpg. Does anyone tow a big heavy van with the TDi and if so does it do okay, particularly up big hills? Thanks
  17. I checked the Transmission fluid level at the weekend and it took almost a litre of fluid when hot. As the total capacity is only 3 litres then I think it is highly likely that this was the problem. It might be my imagination but I think the gear changes are smoother now as well. I am now beginning to wonder whether the very small oil leak I seem to have might be coming from the Gearbox as I don't appear to lose much oil from the engine. Does anyone know if there is a particular place prone to leaks on the Automatic Gearbox? Thanks Phil.
  18. I haven't checked this. I will give it a go at the weekend. Thanks
  19. Hi all I am not sure whether this is the same as some of the other problems I have seen posted as it is very occasional and only when the car is first start and cold. It has only happened twice but is a bit weird and I can't think of an explanation. The car is a 1996 2.8 V6 Automatic. The car seem to need revving a lot more to get it to drive. If I hadn't been told that automatics don't have a clutch I would have said it was the clutch was slipping. I didn't think it was a fuel problem because the engine was revving okay. I drove a mile to the petrol station and when I switched back on it was fine. The wife says it has done it once before and it was also a particularly cold morning compared with others we have had so this may be a factor. Any ideas? Thanks Phil
  20. Thanks for that Andy. I think I will give it a go this weekend. I did manage to get hold of an explosed diagram of the drive shafts but it was a bit confusing. Does the driver's side drive shaft split in two. i.e. there is an inner and outer shaft? And, do you lose oil from the gearbox when you take the shaft out? Should I buy a plug or something to stop this? Presumably you can simply secure the boot with a standard hose clip rather than the usual clip which seems to need special pliers. Cheers Phil.
  21. I have a 1996 Automatic 2.8 Galaxy and noticed yesterday that the rubber boot on the driver's side drive shaft is split. It is the boot on the end attaching to the Gearbox. I have never attempted the other end because I believe you need specialist tools to dismantle the CV joint. Can anyone tell me would I be able to remove the drive shaft and fit a new boot relatively easily and with no specialist tools. Thanks Phil.
  22. I haven't done the pads on the galaxy yet but front brake pads are normally very straight forward. Took about 30 mins to do both sides on my Peugeot 106 and Maestro. The garage wanted
  23. Forgive me if I am being thick here - but what is a "DIS pack" Cheers Phil.
  24. Richard Thanks for the advice. I downloaded the software last night to have a look but I was getting strange results on the screen. Things didn't seem to line up correctly. What operating system and screen resolution do you use. I am assuming you are using the shareware version of the software - have you noticed any significant limitations. I am only really concerned with checking fault codes. Cheers Phil.
  25. I thought that the EEC IV was not in use in 1996 but it was the Ford Dealer's Microcat Parts system that said it was an EEC IV. If it is the Bosch then does this use the OBD-II system - which would explain the connector in the ashtray. Thanks Phil.
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