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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by geroy80

  1. Hello. I am new on this forum. I bought a galaxy couple weeks ago. When I stop the car and keep my foot on a brake pedal the car wants moving forward and keep 'jumping'. But if I pull the handbrake up and release a brake pedal, the car is stop 'jumping' and just stay as normal until I don't push a brake pedal down again. Also, car has a very bad 2nd to 3rd gearchange, it comes out of 2nd and takes far to long to go into 3rd and when it does it goes in very hard with a sharp jolt. Both problems are only when the engine is cold running. I mean I need to drive a few miles (10-15m) and the car start running normally again. Looks like something is need to warm up and the problems away. Can somebody help me what is that should be All other gears changing normally and smoothly all the time.
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