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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by adecbr600

  1. Hi There Galaxy 1996 2 ltr petrol Can anybody shed any light on the following,have noticed that large patches of soot keep apearing on the drive from the exhaust pipe especially if you rev the engine,have just changed the plugs as well and these were also sooty (Not oily). any ideas or does it need to be plugged in a computer to check sensors or engine management system. Cheers Ade :P
  2. Hi there Many thanks for all your replys,will check the carbon canister at the weekend. Cheers Ade :ph34r:
  3. Hi There I own a N reg 1996 2 ltr petrol galaxy. When driving after approx 15 mins i get a stong smell of petrol in side the vehicle,i can see no signs of any leaks,does anyone else have the same problem & if so any solutions. Cheers Ade
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