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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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About Lolboy77

  • Birthday 04/08/1970

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  • Vehicle Type
    Galaxy mk1 2.3 & Galaxy mk1 2.3
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  • Region
    South East

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Newbie (1/8)



  1. Part number of the m7 bolt has changed to F1581812 £1.86+vat I am waiting on the Ford techs to find me the torque figure for it. Going by the size m7x1 and spec 10.9 it should be in the region of 20-25 nm. I am going to put it in with plenty of Loctite 243, anyone else used anything else? Spring washers, lock wire, welded it?
  2. I had a similar issue. I found it to be a coil pack even though I did the same as you removing ht leads. I have had to replace two of these packs now and even the ht lines and fingers to the plugs. Coil packs are cheaper from euros or other outlets but they don't last. I bit the bullet after finding this out and bought Ford ones.
  3. I have had this problem with the bolt shearing off. The RAC towed me home even though I suggested it may be a bad idea. Result, ruined gearbox. Lots of teeth falling out of drain hole and the head of a mashed up selector bolt. I have found a gearbox and thought I would replace this bolt with a new one before putting the box in the car. I am going to Loctite it and even thought of having a dot of weld put on the head of the bolt to really stop it coming undone. My question is, does anyone know the torque setting for this bolt? I have got charts of torque settings for bolts but I thought I would try and get the official Ford figure. By the way, Ford don't list the bolt on the mk1 galaxy but they do on the mk2 even though the selector mechanism has the same part number so is obviously the same between the two mk's. The part number of the m7 bolt I believe is 7274506.
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