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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by BridgeyBoy

  1. I did my 1.9 TDi auto box at the weekend. It's straightforward once the black plastic engine guard is removed - this is the fiddliest bit if you haven't got good access underneath... Which I hadn't! I warmed the engine for 10 minutes (I know it's supposed to be at an exact temp checked with vag com but I don't have the kit for this... Yet!), switched off, then placed a suitable container under the 24mm sump plug on the gearbox underside, removed the plug and let the oil drain. I left it for a good half hour to drain fully and got about 3.5 litres out (the rest remains in the torque converter). I removed the top up plug in the engine bay after breaking the red seal and then undid the drain level plug with an Allen key - this is a couple of inches behind the main sump plug on the TDi. Once I was happy I had as much oil out as possible, I refitted the 24mm drain plug and got ready to fill up the box. This is quite tricky and I used a clean 1metre section of hose pipe and a funnel to slowly top up the box. I got a mate to keep an eye out underneath and as soon as fluid came out of the top up hole (Allen key bolt mentioned earlier) I replaced the Allen bolt and refitted the topping up plug (must get a new red seal for that!!) I plan to do the same again this weekend to get the oil even cleaner. It's not a difficult job at all and you will have it done in an hour easily.
  2. Thanks... Ordered!!
  3. Tried jump start off my mates Megane but no joy, electrics doing very odd things. Anyway tried later with another mates transit and it fired into life. I'm guessing the little Megane didn't have the battery power to turn over my bus!!!
  4. Folks Looking at vag com leads on eBay for my 2002 Galaxy TDi auto. There seems to be a few different types and many don't mention the Galaxy or Alhambra compatibility explicitly and some mention they are not suitable for diesels. Can anyone tell me which type of lead will be compatible with my oil burner auto? Cheers Dave
  5. Help needed... Having problems with my 02 tdi auto. There is a regular, rhythmic clicking noise from the fuse box area under the steering wheel and when I try to start it, I just get the dash lights flashing on and off. Engine doesn't turn over. Lights just flash and clicking from fuse box continues. Any thoughts? Relay 109 maybe.
  6. Thanks all.. Realised the issue was only from cold. Allowing the car to idle for 5 mins before moving off seemed to do the trick. Decided to change the gearbox oil as a starter for ten. Used the info on here and two hours later job was done. Took it for a test drive and works perfectly even from cold. So far, I'm a happy man. Need to give it a good run but did 5 mile test in it and changing was fine. I used Dextron 3 spec fluid. Only drained and filled once so I know it will not be clear yet as it only took about 3.5 litres but now has to be better than the black tar that came out!! Anyway, thanks again for the advice. Just need to fix that alternator tensioner now.... Judder, judder, judder!!! Dave
  7. Hi all First post on here.. Just bought a 52 plate 1.9 TDi Auto with a slight gearbox problem (well I hope its slight!) Was driving normally but it has started to occasionally stick in 1st gear and refuses to change up. After stopping, switching on/off this seems to clear it but it is still doing it occasionally. Any thoughts? Cheers Dave
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