The rear end feeling like its sliding sounds like bushes. The smoke could be a few things, could be piston rings, valve stem seals, head gasket, blocked crankcase breather, etc. What colour is the smoke? white, blue, black? Andy
As far as I know it was mandatory for cars in Europe to have OBD2 after 2001, 1996 was for USA. I know my 1999 zetec is deferentially not OBD2 as i have scanned it to see and its running VAGs own diagnostics, but I do know some fords do use OBD2 from 1997. As far as I'm aware the Galaxy isn't one of them, but if you have a response on your torque app then I assume yours must be running OBD2. Andy
Well it looks like i will have to have a closer look at the fuse box then, all's working fine with the new wire, so it might take me a while to get round to looking at it. Thanks very much for the posts guys, its a real help Andy
I have checked the pillar connector and thats fine, the fuse is good to. The odd thing is there is no drop on voltage, even at the window motor. The drop is in the amount of amps it can draw i.e the motor can't draw enough amps to turn, even with out the window mechanism, how ever the motor is not asking for more amps than the fuse, Its acting like someone has put a resistor in between the fuse and pillar connection!? I have solved the problem buy soldering a new wire from the fuse to the pillar connector and its all working fine, but I was wondering what could have caused it? Thanks Andy
Hi, My drivers side window is being intermittent, I have tested the motor and its fine, as is the loom in the door and to the door connector. I have figured out that the loom is not providing enough amps for the motor to turn the mechanism. The problem is before the connections at the pillar as when I hot wire the main positive connection at the connector the window works perfectly. So does any one know why this might have happened, as i would rather sort the problem than just hotwire it full time. Thanks Andy
Fitted it using the instructions mentioned and it only took 40 mins tops, all working nicely with no problems fitting. Went and had the key on the remote cut for £12.50 and all work beautifully :) Andy
well it turned up today so if i have time I will have a go at fitting it tomorrow, The kit i bought is like the VW remotes with the flick out key attached, I have already fitted the transponder from my spare key and i'm going to get the blank cut. The remote control system is the same as in your instructions so hopefully it should go without a hitch. Andy