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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    Ford Galaxy
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  1. Thank you Silver Beast. The hot cable has now been sorted; cut, recrimped and soldered and everything is now nice and cool. I'll be keeping an eye on this in future. Great Forum Guys; this is a fantastic resource and I'm a big fan!
  2. Decided to get a tow to my local garage to investigate the lack of ignition. Turned out the starter relay had blown and when replaced the car came back to life. Both the faulty leads have been recrimped soldered and replaced. Having got it home though, I'm still a bit worried as the second lead is still too hot to hold, although the first lead is cool to touch and seems fine. What might be the cause of all the heat? Should I be worrying? :45:
  3. I have used a voltmeter to check that there is a voltage at each of the output terminals on the Auxiliary Fuse Box first and there is; its 12V on both sides of each of the fuses and (into the leads too). But I don’t know which fuses I should re check in the Central Junction Box (ignition on) to try and figure out why the ignition does not come on. Can you advise on this please? I would like to have this checked out too so that when the leads are done I know the car will be good to go! Thanks again
  4. I want to have a go at repairing the two charred leads to F107 and F106. Do you know if I can buy the leads from Ford for a reasonable price? The parts guys I spoke to at Fords don't seem too sure and quoted me 45quid for lead(?) from alternator to the BJB. If they are part of a loom them the answer for me has to be cut back and replace with new 16mm cable and then butt crimp/solder this to the remaining lead. Then heat shrink and tape.I might have to do this with both It would be good to see those ingnition lights on again!
  5. Thank you for getting back to me so quickly. The car is a MK2 (X reg year 2000) and the problem started with the auxiliary fuse box by the battery heating and melting together the first two leads All the services were working prior to changing fuse box ( a few days earlier I did wire up a towbar and that was working perfectly too) but I have not yet replaced the crimp terminal by soldering on new terminal or replacing the cable.
  6. My 1999 Galaxy Mark 2 has suffered the familiar 'auxilliary fuse box burn :blush: out' . Now, with the help of this forum I am normally fairly successful with car problems so I have taken the unit out and replaced with a new completely new one. Unfortunately the car now absolutely refuses to start :) : with the key turned in the ignition, I get no ignition lights, no horn, no indicators, although the head- lights, hazards and radio will still work: which at least proves the battery still functions! I've even tried jumped starting it withe the same result! I have checked all the fuses in both fuse boxes and they are all OK. Do you guys have any ideas what the problem(s) might be? This car has been as good as gold for years but this one has me stumped. HELP!!!!!!!!!!
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