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    VW Shaz
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    South East

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  1. Can I just check whether the most annoying thing about my sharan - the appalling issue with rubbish wiring looms passing into doors - was never redesigned during the life of the mk 1 or 2? Are the later ones any better?
  2. So the 2.3 has a chain rather than a belt? Do the tensioners need doing every so often? To be honest the 130k engine in my sharan is a peach - more poke than the other options and not too thirsty either. It's rust that's killing it. Failed mot on corrosion for 2nd year running. Is that so common or was I just unlucky? Also, did the wiring through the doors improve at any particular point or can I still expect a 2004 model to flash it's lights every time I hit the brakes?
  3. My '99 Sharan is getting old and crusty and I'm starting to think about replacing it. Due to my limited budget I'll be look at 2002 to 2004 ish. I'd be interested to know what people think is the most reliable engine and gearbox combination is (including the vw 1.8t and 2.0 options). 2.3 or tdi? I'm not bothered about power and not too concerned about mpg. Hoping you can help. Cheers.
  4. Hi all. Took the car to a local gearbox specialist who said my mechanic hadn't changed the rubber gasket which had gone hard through years of use, hence a bad leak. He replaced the gasket and oil and it's made a huge difference! He said the box was nearly empty so it won't have done it much good but all the symptoms have gone. Thanks for your help.
  5. Thanks Brian. I'll get the fluid changed as a precaution and see how it responds.
  6. Excellent many thanks. Yes I thought it odd he struggled to seal the box. I'll get it changed by a different mechanic. He changed the filter too but I'm guessing that can be reused as it wasn't long ago?
  7. Hi all. My '99 1.8t automatic gearbox is playing up! When cold (and more recently reasonably warm) there's a delay between selecting drive and the box engaging. Also, when pulling away from lights etc it'll fail to engage for a few seconds. It also seems to be reluctant to consistently engage at low speeds. When it does go into gear it does so with a bang. Any ideas? I had the atf changed a couple of months ago but my mechanic struggled to get the bottom of the box to seal again and it lost some fluid before sealing properly. Mechanic doesn't think it lost much fluid. Really hope someone can help! Cheers
  8. All sorted. The initial replacement switch was duff. Next one fine. Didn't need adjusting (in fact there is no adjustment on the 2 pin ones). France here we come (thankfully via newhaven not Dover!)! Thanks very much all.
  9. Crap. Not working. Worked perfectly for 5 mins now not at all,even with stamping on pedal (which always got the gearbox switch to release at least). Checked fuse (no 20?) and that's fine. Any suggestions? Thanks.
  10. Panic over! Switch replaced, lights working! It was the 2 pin. Was a bugger to fit only because it took me a while to realise I needed the engine running otherwise the pedal didn't sink far enough for the plunder to go in. Otherwise dead easy! Many thanks all for your posts!
  11. Excellent thanks. My local factors have the 2 pin version in stock but not the green 4 pin. Anyone know which I need?
  12. Ps before I try this can I just confirm the switch has NO effect on the actual operation of the brakes?
  13. Much appreciated all. I'll dive into the dashboard tomorrow morning. If it doesn't work I'll dive into something deeper...
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