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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    South West

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  1. Hi all. much thanks to andy met to start with for giving me the confidence to tackle this job myself. any road up, none of the suggestions worked so here's what i did..... removed calipers and disc which needed replacing anyway, nothing special there. undid the 24mm nut and bolt holding the hub on. the inner space is quite good giving sight and access to the inner bearing and the end of the hub so using a bar and 2lb lump hammer, beat the crap out of the end of the hub in a circular fashion using a 32mm socket and sacrificial bar, so it came loose but remained central. this did take some doing but it did eventually release with part of the inner bearing race still attached..back to that later. this gave access to the bearing circlip which was removed with needle nose pliers. tried the reverse bolt washer thing as suggested by andy met but it didnt work because the abs stator ring started to come off so gave up on that. back with the lump hammer and bar to beat the crap out of the outer bearing race which again took some doing but eventually started to move. i cant imagine how heavy a slide hammer would have to be to be effecctive on this. i did have one but it was as useful as a chocolate teapot and as the inner bearing race has a rounded edge, the slide hammer lip kept slipping off. i had to place the hub in a vice and heat the broken inner bearing race with a plumbers torch which then allowed me to remove it with some gentle persuasion from a mini prybar and hammer. lightly grease the new bearing and tap into its housing using the old bearing as a drift. fit the circlip, tap the hub into place enough to get the bolt onto its threads and then tighten to FT torque. replace the brakes and job done happy days. if anyone else has anything to add or finds this helpful then that'll make me a happy bunny!! happy hammering.
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