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    ford galaxy mk1 2.3 ghia
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    North West

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  1. to do tints spray the exterior of the window with soapy water now place the film onto the exterior of the window so the clear backing is facing in on the car and cut the film with a sharp knife, do it close to the rubber but not too close make sure you dnt cut it square corners must be rounded. Make sure the interior side is clean and i mean clean use a stanly blade to clean all crap off glass you will need a hair dryeryer also wen applying film also i dnt recommend a heat gun i have melted sheets a fair few times :)
  2. sorry i took so long here is the connection methoid i have http://s12.postimg.org/bhnm8djm1/DSC_0003_1.jpg
  3. i will pull my tv out tommorow and give you the exact wires that need wiring to your stereo as there a couple live ones in there
  4. replaced the drivers door solonoid today with one off fleabay £25 down and now my remote locking kit works like a charm.
  5. lol i have an issue with the ambiant air pressure sensor which i started a thread here over
  6. the 1999 2.3 has clear indicater len's with a amber bulb, change the bulb and it will pass
  7. moggie if brake lights come on wen u connect it definatly switch issue if they dnt then we come to that
  8. take connectors off switch connect together put ignition on do u have brake lights??
  9. ok i klnow little on this subject but my ac tells me its between -31 degrees and -40 degress and i have 22 orange snowflakes on my dash i have tried to locate this sensor with no joy but i remember on my vauxhall it was on bottom of bumber in a hole pretruding so should i have a sensor in the hole in the cut out on this pic?? http://imageshack.us/a/img198/5035/ambw.jpg
  10. well after getting one of them stupid telematics boxes fitted for cheap insurance i decided to tackle the cruise control problem on my mk1 2.3 to stay under the speed limit :) after removing the nsf indicater i could not see the pump but after digging around i came accross a pipe that runs under the battery tray and is attatched to a white plastic connector here is the picture http://imageshack.us/a/img560/2953/cruisex.jpg is this the pump pipe and electric connector??
  11. i have a mk1 when i wired my tv/stereo to it i also had to switch the red yellow over to get constant live to memory, but when i stop the engine my stereo will still play up until i pull the key out the ignition, so with no key in ignition my system wont play, if you are trying to bypass this feature so your stereo will not turn off or on unless you tell it then you will need to witre both memory and + wire to the constant live the one that the stereos orange/ywellow is connectged to on car
  12. ok brian i replaced the drivers cv boot, and noticed a damp stain on the passengr side on the gear box so when i took the protective under shield off seems the inner passenger cv joint (one going in gear box) the cv boot was off so i checked and its knackered thing one of the bearings has come out as the way it looks is the metal shield keeping bearings in has a lip kinda like bending it with a pair of pliars but the bb size so this is going to need replacing.
  13. just goin slightly offtopic with this sort of but when i pulled the haynes manual out for my wiring well it was alll wrong i have the 2.3 ghia x 1999 and the wiring didnt match hunting the forums to my door and window problem, all pointing to the doors, but my problem was the passenger door side the plastic trim on the floor i took this off was around 10-12 red red/white wires that had sum sort of connection that was rotten re joined them all up and everything worked.
  14. have you tried to clean the maf with electrical cleaner????
  15. thought it was 3ohms been a while since i checked a glow plug my fault sorry, i knew it was 3 think my multi would show .3 hence why i said 3 lol, i always thought it was best to remove the plugs to test to avoid any in correct reading, like i said not done any diesal work for a while,
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