Hi all ive been working on my galaxy for a week now and now its time to hit the radio as since i got it it would cut out whenever it wants sometimes it wouldn't load up and its never played the radio. So i pulled it out and wouldn't you no it the last owner has butchered every signal wire in there congrats to him. Know i am left with the fun task of wiring it back up so i attached my yellow wire to the live(thick red) my black wire to the earth (thick brown) and my blue/white wire the live (thick red) in some hope it would turn on but nope nothing. I checked the fuse to find they have been blown but the last owner just put copper wire around the legs and put them back so i replaced about 40% of the fuses so that's ok but i still don't get a thing load up. Does anyone have a picture of there wires at the back so i can make sure its wired up properly or know of any other problems this could be.