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  1. Hi I am hoptonmick with a P.S. The slave cylinder can hold some water after bleeding, this means that after all of the above there will still be the formation of the emulsion until all of the water has been evaporated. The clutch system will need bleeding frequently until you only get clear fluid out. On my friends galaxy this took about 2 weeks-about 4 bleeds. It was either that or gearbox off to drain the slave cylinder.... 4 times 5 minutes work over 2 weeks is better than gearbox off, believe me!!
  2. There is another cause... water in the hydraulic fluid.... on the MK2 the false bulkhead ends just above the filler for the hydraulic reservoir - water runs down this bulkhead and drips onto the filler cap, this filler is in 2 parts an inner and an outer, water can Ingres between the two and makes its way back into the fluid. Water runs down and ends up in the slave cylinder where, when driven, it boils due to engine heat, this 'steam' forms an emulsion with the hydraulic fluid. After 6 months careful observation[ changed clutch master cylinder ] and many system bleeds I noticed that:- problem never occurred after short runs and when the problem did occurr, bleeding produced a little ( a lot at first ) of emulsified oil [ brown-non transparent sludge looking stuff] oil + water so Took off reservoir cleaned it out - refit, refill - bled brakes and clutch to ensure no water anywhere in the system.fitted drip cover over the fluid reservoir--- PROBLEM GONE I am NOT saying that this is the only cause, I am saying that it is worth checking [ a bit of brown milky fluid when bleeding clutch ] before committing to a new master or slave cylinder.
  3. Thanks for your replies - - - I see avenues to explore - - again thanks for your inputs
  4. tried all of the above... I am stuck for a 2004 clutch pedal (ford pt. no. 1107186), for no longer make it......... It has the logo AE on the pedal with a manufacturers number of 7M2 721321C but I can't find out who AE is any info will be well rev'd
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