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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    2003 galaxy tdi 130
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    West Midlands

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  1. thanks for that seatkid.... mine was built in 2003 or poss late 2002 but maybe worth a try chrispb123456 - maybe a vw design but its in my Ford which means Ford thought it was acceptable and worthy of being in the blue oval so they are still getting abuse!! :28:
  2. Hi Guys for a while i have noticed a diesel smell coming from the passenger side of my 2003 1.9tdi 130..i had a non ford mechanic look at it and he thinks there is a very slight diesel leak coming from the fuel pump on the passenger side of the engine. he seems to think that it may be a case of having to fit a new pump £££ or maybe get mine removed and reconditioned does this sound right? can't you get a new gasket/seal for it etc? anyone that can offer any help it would be much appreciated thanks
  3. yes it def had a good quality DMF, (luk or lux something like that), also clutch and bearing etc.... have done some tests this week, when the noise is chattering if i turn to the left the noise is worse but if i turn to the right the noise quietens as you turn with basically no noise at full right turn. this says to me it is the driver side driveshaft that is making the noise
  4. i do get a very slight wheel wobble when its making the noise, and as i said dmf and clutch etc were done last year.
  5. it sort of does..but if you ease off the throttle slightly it will also quieten it down a bit, if you just keep the throttle down and rev it right through the range the noise stops at around 3000 rpm, i think it is the intermediate driveshaft, i think i will just have to get frauds to have a look at it, dont want it breaking down with the wife and kids in.
  6. ah the roll restrictor is fine, no movement and bolts secure..naybe driveshaft then
  7. hi again.. a search of the forum drew a blank...does anyone know if you can tighten something to take out the play in the steering column?? i have a 2003 tdi 130 with adjustable column, when going over a bump in the road the column feels a bit loose, you can move the column up and down slightly and feel the play. thanks
  8. Hi guys ive noticed that my 2003 tdi 130 galaxy has got a tranmission/drivetrain rattle, it only occurs in mainly 1st gear when accelerating up a hill or off the mark quite agressively, it is still there if you gently and gradually accelerate away in 1st just not as severe, it also happens if you are coming down a hill and drop it into 1st so that the revs pick up quickly holding you back. in a nut shell the rattle/grateing comes from the centre of the car low down somewhere between the gearstick and engine, it is not the engine as it revs quietly when tested, it is worst when you put the most torque through the tranmission. i know these galaxys have some fancy driveshaft system and was thinking it could be that making the noise under harsh acceleration/deceleration.?? last year the car had a new dual mass flywheel and clutch kit etc so ive ruled that out. you can drive it quietly in all other gears and speeds..just a low speed high torque issue if anyone has had similar and could point me in the right direction i would be very greatful
  9. Hi guys ive just purchased a 2003 Galaxy TDI 130 to transport the family, ive got a little play in the driver side of the steering rack, the track rod end is fine it is just as the arm enters the rack. my question is can you replace the whole arm on a galaxy or do i need a new rack?? on my corsa i was able to buy the arm which scres into the rack. thanks for any help/advice
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