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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    Ford Galaxy MkII
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  1. Hi Dave, No lights are on and the car locks as it should with the key and the fob! The red light on the door activates on locking as well. Last night no activations, then one about 10 minutes ago and none since! I will have a look at the wiring like you advised an will see if that turns anything up. (Oh how my neighbours love at the minute!)
  2. I am having this issue at the moment with random activations through the night! I noticed last night that the plunger (that detects the door when it closes) on the off side rear door is missing and the previouse owner appears to have filled it with a stopper of some sort???? Thought this might be the problem but the alarm sound inermitantly and not all the time when its locked up. Any advise on other problems to look for?
  3. Cheers for the welcome rob2012 and gregers
  4. Firstly a happy New year to all :27: I am new to the forum and new to the Galaxy MkII. I have just got a 2001 model 2.3 engine. I have been driving for quite a few years and have instantly fallen in love with my family taxi. Due to the old girl being a bit warn and torn, there have been a few things I need to do to give her a bit of a make over. I was looking through the forum the other day and found some great advice on sorting out my parking sensors and I am hoping to get a few more tips and tricks to keep the old girl in tip top condition. We decided to go for the Galaxy MkII after looking for a family wagon as due to the recant birth of our daughter, we needed to move up from our estate to get our three kids in with a bit of room to spare. I am looking forward to chatting to you all and getting some great advice and as time goes on, contributing some back into the pot. Chat soon, Scott
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