The Galaxy's gone to CD Bramell's (now Even's Halshaw) in Batley, Wakefield today! Has anyone any dealing with them? They were recommended to me by a Focus owner.. The reason. The 'coil' (yellow looped line) light was flashing on and off and the message 'Engine Workshop' was briefly displayed. However it was running fine at the time, no loss of power etc... Reading through a few threads on this site it became evident that it needed linking upto a computer (VAG-COM) to locate the problem.... In addtion to that the bulb failure light stays on for a while after starting up then goes out not in relation to turning lights on/off, braking etc... Could they be linked? So I wait in anticiaption of their diagnosis.......... :rolleyes: I have wrote this in 'dealer service' as they were extremely helpful when i called in yesterday to ask for advice and managed to 'squeeze' me in today. Hopefully they will maintain this good customer service while sorting out my Gal... Will they be recommended, we shall wait and see!!!