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About Darchy

  • Birthday 07/15/1970

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    Galaxy 2.8 ghia 1997
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  1. Hi again, right, after what seems like a very long day waiting for bits I finally got it all back together! She started up ok and I can't see any leaks at all even after I let it get up to temperature! On my way home however I did notice some mild juddering from the power steering, could the belt be slipping? I cleared out all the debris and caked on old belt from the grooves so I'm a little anxious as to why it judders, could anything be wrong or can it take time to settle down? Anyway, I'm going to keep an eye on the coolant side of things too for a while and see how things go Shaun
  2. lol, I was trying to keep that bad thought out of my mind! I have a tensioner and belt coming for
  3. Cheers for all the help guys, i've certainly found the main problem, the tensioner bearing as completely fallen apart, the belt hadn't snapped it had just come to rest where there was no tension the other items,water pump etc, seem fine (now i've cleared the debris!) More worrying is the water leak, it doesn't seem to come from the belt/pump end of the engine, when i put some water in the expansion tank I got a trickle of water from the front of the engine, at the distributer end. I cant quite see where it is coming from to be fair at the moment but i'll get back to you. I have my local parts shop on the hunt for a tensioner and belt at the moment. Cheers again Shaun
  4. Cheers Dave, I'm off to take a look now, i couldn't really see last night so I may be wrong but i think the belt may have broken off, the last time I did a job like this, the belt came with a diagram of how to route the new cable, do you know if they still do? I left the motor trade in '92 so I'm very rusty in this area! Cheers again , Shaun
  5. Hi, I can see that there are many other topics like this but I was wonder if you can help. About a week ago I started getting a loud squeeling from the engine, upon closer examination it appeared to come from the 'Alternator drive belt tensioner' as a squirt of WD40 cleared the noise. The noise went away for a few days only to come back today with a vengeance! The noise was now much more coarse and mettalic, I stopped to take a look and it was still coming from the same place. as we were on out way back from shopping, four kids in tow, I decided to continue home. After a short while, the noise stopped, there was a whiff of burning rubber, the battery light came on and the steering went heavy. I limped the last 1/2 mile back home ok but when I got out of the car I noticed that it was now leaking water. I checked under the bonnet and the drive belt had disappeared. My suspicion is that the drive belt tensioner need replacing but what would cause the water? the water temp guage didn't appear to rise (couldn't be 100% on that though) So, please could you advise me, 1. Are the tensioners only available through main dealer? 2. Could I have damaged the water pump by driving it back? 3. Any other advise, where to source parts etc would be greatly appreciated Cheers Shaun
  6. Hi, just wondered if anyone ever found out if it is possible to put the three seats in the middle row on a 6 seater galaxy? I've not looked under the carpet yet but i can feel some indents where the seat mounts may be. I dont want to make a 7 seater, just to put 3 seats in the middle row to free up some room at the back for luggage etc! Any info would be greatly appreciated Darchy
  7. hi, thanks for the reply, i think my scuttle is blocked because I have the foggy screen problem, i'm going to try & sort that tomorrow, can this effect the wiper motor electrics? I dont think it rained the night before. it was foggy though! darchy
  8. Hi, i seem to have developed a problem, driving to work yesterday i noticed that the left wiper was slowly moving up the screen, eventually followed by the right one, at first i thought it was the wind but when i stopped, it was still doing it (they move up to 5 inches from parked position). switching the wipers on and off parked them ok again but then they started to move (was stationary now) while they are moving, there is a quiet elecrical noise from the motor as if its receiving a sort of poor current from somewhere. after having a quick look, i found what seems to be the intermittant relay in the under dash fuse box, when i took it out, the problem stopped, but obviously I then had to park the wipers myself. thinking of it now, when i first got the car the wipers didnt always work first time, there was a delay of about 10 seconds and then they would start has anyone else had this problem? I'm assuming that it is the relay but I know electrical problems can do some very odd things! thanks in advance darchy
  9. haha, so sorry, i did do a search but i came up with nothing, i've just noticed that i was searching the last 30 days! teach me to search at midnight :blink: sorry found lots of info now! :P darchy
  10. Hi, does anyone know approximately how much it costs to have your windows tinted on the Galaxy? Cheers Darchy
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