Hi, i seem to have developed a problem, driving to work yesterday i noticed that the left wiper was slowly moving up the screen, eventually followed by the right one, at first i thought it was the wind but when i stopped, it was still doing it (they move up to 5 inches from parked position). switching the wipers on and off parked them ok again but then they started to move (was stationary now) while they are moving, there is a quiet elecrical noise from the motor as if its receiving a sort of poor current from somewhere. after having a quick look, i found what seems to be the intermittant relay in the under dash fuse box, when i took it out, the problem stopped, but obviously I then had to park the wipers myself. thinking of it now, when i first got the car the wipers didnt always work first time, there was a delay of about 10 seconds and then they would start has anyone else had this problem? I'm assuming that it is the relay but I know electrical problems can do some very odd things! thanks in advance darchy