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Everything posted by oscargps9

  1. Tried that method this afternoon and unit stays on - even with key out the ignition. Anyone got one that works as it should and doesnt mind sharing the info ? will be much appreciated.
  2. Is the Us pin not used then or is that switched live also?
  3. I have set up the power supply as follows Earth = earth Us = Switch +VE SAFE= Perm +VE Sun symbol=Light switch S Kont= Switch +VE K Bus= ? Tel Mute= phone mute Gala=Violet gala wire The unit comes on but asks for code each time. Tried switching SAFE and Us positions but works without key on this setting and still asks for code when turned off and on. Anyone got anything different? Any ideas? The wires that went into original block for RDS 5000 radio are Thick red=perm +VE Thin red/brown= Switch +VE Thick brown=earth blue/grey=Light switch There is also a thin brown wire, I have no idea what this does. I know its laborious but I thought it was the easiest way of describing my situation. Does anyone know of another live position on back of MFD that isnt mentioned. Does not having the 26 pin connector on make any difference? Thanks
  4. Doesnt that mean that the unit stays on when you turn the ignition off and take the key out? Im sure it did that when I tried it. Someone suggested the pin marked s kontakt should also be +ve ? Right, I tried it this afternoon swopped perm live with switched live. It comes up with SAFE pin not connected. Turn ignition on - put in code and it works but stays on when you turn ign off and take key out.
  5. get hold of new bezel first - remove old one after taking out air con - no need to remove cup holders yet just open them and you can get to screw underneath. All switches just go straight into new one. wiring for mfd on body of unit or on this forum. Get a standard ISO lead and fit using existing wiring(you have to cut blocks off) :) I connected mine with bullet fastners from Halfords - my only problem is that it needs the code every time its turned on its obviously a power supply issue but cant solve it at present I dont want to risk blowing it.
  6. Hi i know there has been a lot on this but I cant find a definitive answer. I have fitted a MFD unit into 2002 TDI - got new bezel from Frauds ( had to tell bloke what it was as he hadnt heard of it! ) old one out new one in in 10 mins. All ok so far. New iso lead - power supplies wrong way round so corrected this. Done speakers, gala wire and tel mute for nokia. It all works fine except..... each time ignition turned off and on I need to put code in. It has perm 12v and ign in right place - if I swop then it stays on when ign turned off. Light switch ok. Anyone know whats going on? I have noticed that the red led light for audio security is on when system is on but not when its off as it should be. Am i missing another power or something? Any help greatly appreciated - and she may give me some peace and quiet if its sorted too.
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