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Everything posted by cheekyyumyum

  1. Many thanx guys for your valuable input! Ran a diagnostic on it but only fault that came up on the TRANSMISSION Module was code "65535 " Internal Control Module error , no power to KAM, keep alive memory! Does this ring any bells ??? The auto mechanic thinks changing the 9 solenoids in the auto box might help? ( ita a 5 speed JATCO apparently ) Any ideas greatly appreciated!!! Thanks
  2. Hi bigjeeze, I'm having the same problem with my mk2 Gal, 1.9tdi Auto 2005, could you please shed some more light on this " adjustment on the cable and a link to youtube would be most welcome as me Auto garage mechanics are abit baffled with no reverse problem...Many thanx!
  3. Cheers bigdave! am hoping to de-coke the turbo using Innotec to sort me limpy thingyy mode...lol
  4. Many thanks for that! Does the intake manifold then come out from topside? Cheers!
  5. Hi Guys! does anyone know is there an easier way to remove a clogged / coked up turbo for de-coking from the car? :28: Due to lack of space, can the turbo be removed more easier by putting on ramp then pulling/ dismantling from underneath,,,,cue the chortles and lols,,, or as one mechanic was telling me, the radiator etc needs removing then engine tilted slightly to allow access for turbo removal? Many thanx in advance lads!
  6. Hi Boffa! have pm'ed you, appreciate reply. Thanx
  7. I had a similar problem with my 2005 mk2 1.9 tdi Gal,,,it also used to cut off unexpectedly whilst driving on the odd occasion, in my case changing the Camshaft position sensor sorted the problem out....used a good quality BERU sensor from eurocpts , cheaper than original replacement from fraud.....quick job by mechanic to change it...worth bearing in mind after checking the key PATS thingy!
  8. plz correct me if i'm wrong .. Turbo can be cleaned with Innotec cleaner,Intake manifold with scraping offsludge n crud manually then in a bath of ferric chloride or petrol to strip remainder cr*p out of it. With what doyou clean the EGR valve? Thanx
  9. Many thanx for your valuable input lads!
  10. What makes are good all round performance but reasonably priced? Thanx again
  11. Thanx BrianH! I do mostly city driving, some m/way, about 15k p.a! wear is even across tyres , had Tracking done using an Advanced Hunter balancer, (allegedly very accurate i'm told) as f/tyres were wearing on the inside, was 1 degree out ..am a careful driver, not heavy footed (in the vain hope i'll get max economy, esp at current fuel prices,,,n Fast is really fuellish..lol
  12. hi guys! Is it me or do Galaxys eat front tyres? i have a mk2 2005 model 1.9tdi AUTO box and have fitted 215/55/16 97w tyres all round and inflate to 41psi front and 38 rear tyres as per manual but find the front tyres are wearing quick. (rear ones wearing out slower). does it have anything to do with the type of rubber used (hard rubber = slower wear , soft rubber the opposite kind of thing? what does the 97 w mean? Input greatly appreciated!
  13. Many thanx gregers and guru seatkid!! :32: now to look for a garage that can strip down turbo/ egr / manifold who know what they are doing as well as not ripping me of f, had the pleasure of being HalFrauded re: Abs sensor ...am based in Leicester, East mids, some of the garages i've asked have stated just change the turbo and be done with it!,,, Any suggestions which garages or garage chains might do it, don't want to fork out money for a wishy washy job and be told its all sorted whilst a cowboy job gets done with the crud still inside the inlet manifold/ egr /turdo but i can'tsee it as all closed up (not visible ),,,,am not mechanically proficient, more like a an armchair theoretical average joe,,,lol Thanx lads!!!
  14. I tried the italian tune up,,ahem ahem, here goes,,,got it in 3rd on an incline, foot down only managed 2250 rpms and speed 60mph before i hit the proverbial wall and end of tune up,,,speed dropped to 50 mph and revs reduced...the only tunes in the car were my effing and jeffing very vigourously, blue soot vapuors from me gob like,,lol got back on flat road got speed up to 60 n 70 mph in 5th (both in autodrive and manual shifting up).....the problem seems evdent when carrying passengers and going up any slight incline.. me n my mechanic furiously scratching heads, he thinks the turbo's gone doolally,,,any thoughts? Many thanx in advance toall the fantastic guys on this forum helping newbies like me!!!
  15. Hi guys ! Having similar probs with my GAL, 2005 mk2 115 zetec AUTOBOX,, ,Is an " italian tune up recommended with an autobox???? (am not a mechanic and didn't want to try it and separate the box from me car like,,lol! and the correct way to italian tuneup plz? Reply much appreciated!
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