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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by Chilli

  1. I,ve spoke with the Dealer today to cancel the deal :( I've now got to stop the kids from growing or maybe give one away :huh: Spoke with Elddis, Caravan Club and both say the length was ok but that the weight was pushing it for the GAL and i do love my GAL so it's the caravan that goes :) Steve
  2. Hi Radiotwo, Thanks for your advice all the advice is appreciated. I found that link by chance a few days ago and it's a very useful tool, it says depending on how much i place in the van that it's a 94% match. This didn't bother me to much as i don't speed and have towed for 10yrs or so. But what has worried me is the 7m length for towing. As i understand it this is 7m not including the towing frame (Elddis = 6.8m) but i have now spoken to the caravan club who say that this van can only be towed by a commercial vehicle. OH THE JOYS OF CHANGING VANS or growing kids :P Steve
  3. Hi Big Kev, Thats some of the questions i have asked and i have been reassured that all is well. The Galaxy will tow 1800 and unladen the van is 1610 i can add 190 to it but as i won't be taking an awning this should not be a problem. But i am open to advice Steve
  4. -UPDATE- Hi again, I recently changed my old Gal for a new 2.2TDi 170BHP. This towed the van brilliantly. But next month i'm due to change to an Elddis Crusader Superstorm to accomadate the kids growing up B) It's going to be hard on the old MPG but hopefully worth it. :P Steve
  5. I find i get 45mpg if i travel at 65-70mph. :D When i go a little faster 80ish :lol: 39mpg. Thats with a 130bhp Galaxy. Steve
  6. I've got a 130bhp that's getting close to 40mpg for local journeys :lol: . And 45mpg on longer runs :D .
  7. I've always towed with a Bulldog Stabiliser, wouldn't like to tow without one. I haven't got the money to change the hitch over to a Al-co stabiliser. Steve
  8. 16mpg :( Think i'll stick to the desiel LOL. Steve
  9. It does seem more stable than the Mondeo, but that wasn
  10. Just towed for the 1st time with my Galaxy 130bhp. :D Having towed for the past 3 years with a Mondeo 130bhp i feel let down by the Galaxy. The mondeo was awesome, fast and pulled with ease. I am towing the same caravan (swift challenger 520). While i did'nt feel the van behind me on the straights 60mph, as soon as there was an incline the car slowed and down i came in gears. As well as that the mpg was 25, does anyone know if thats any good. I am unable to compare to the mondeo as this did not have a trip computer. Anyway we still had a good time while in Shrewsbury. Will are gearing up for our main holiday, a trip down to Torquay 300miles. :D Steve
  11. Looks very interesting :) Will have to keep an eye on it and see were it leads. I'm all for saving money. :) Steve
  12. Don't tell the wife, what see don't know won't hurt :lol:
  13. Had mine done today :lol: Don't no what all the fuss is about :( The wifes got to fetch and carry me now for upto TEN days. (Will try and make it more) :lol: No hoovering for me now. Remote control for Tv, Pc near by, Tea brought to me. :lol: Steve In and out in a SNIIP
  14. Hi Lakeman I've just purchased a 55 plate galaxy ghia. It was 5months old and both front seat swivel. If that is of any help. Steve
  15. I had to check them all LOL Just for research you understand :ph34r: Steve
  16. Sorted my isurance today. Ended up staying with morethan, although via the internet. My renewal for me and the wife, roadside recovery, legal, protected no-claims for life, was
  17. Just reading all these Insurance quotes :huh: .Makes me dread the post coming next week, when my renewal comes through the door. At the moment insured with morethan. It only had one month to run when i changed car :blink: Will keep you posted on Quotes, will try online also :blink: Steve
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