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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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  1. Thankyou it has only just started to overheat but only when we went on a long run on the motorway it has been fine locally but during the winter the heater sometimes would blow cold when it was on full do you still think it sounds like the thermostat thanks
  2. Hi there would a dodgy thermostat course my engine to overheat any help will be great thanks
  3. thanks for your advice i will check everything you have advised later this week and will update everyone. Just one more thing i remembered is that up until it overheated the temp guage didnt work somethimes and in winter the heater sometimes blew cold just wondering if this has anything to do with it.
  4. hi there i have a 2001 galaxy tdi the temperature light has being flashing for about 3 months so i have been checking the water level every couple of days and the level has always been fine and the temp guage is running at 90 but we went on holiday last week and when on the motorway the guage went onto the red so i pulled over and took off the water cap and it spurted water and steam everywhere and the temp dropped back down to 90 at this time the fan was running so i know thats working fine. i filled the car back up with water and it ran fine after this it didnt use any water at all then on the way home after traveling for about 3 hours it did the same again but since we have been back traveling localy its running fine but the light is still flashing would a faulty temperature sensor or faulty thermostat cause this problem any help will be great thanks.
  5. Hi there i have a 2001 mk2 1.9 tdi galaxy and i was wondering if anyone could tell me where the eart points are i think the one that goes to the cluster may be faulty as my speedo doesnt work and my fuel guage is dancing about but i am not sure where it earths from before it gets to the cluster and i am not sure where the other ones are either any help would be great thanks
  6. thanks for the replys its now all reset and sorted
  7. i was just wondering which this conection was as i am having the same problem was it the blue or green conector at the back of the cluster or was it further down somewhere thanks any advice would be great.
  8. thankyou for the replys i was just wondering if anyone could tell me how to get to the earth strap that is behind the cluster i have the clocks out but am struggling to locate the strap thanks
  9. HI there i have just changed the cluster on my 2000 mk 2 galaxy and like an idiot i turned on the ignition before the wires were conected on the back of the cluster and now the airbag warning light stays does anyone know how i can clear the fault thanks
  10. HI There i was just wondering if anyone could help my 2000 year 1.9 tdi galaxy is driving me mad some time last year the speedo stoped working and the fuel guage started to dance around and beep every 2 seconds when i turned on the side lights this seemed to cure it and then out of the blue it seemed to fix its self then about a week ago it started doing the same thing again so i turned on the lights and it cured it again but only for a couple of days now the speedo doesnt work at all and the fuel guage just beeps i have replaced the cluster and all the wiring looks fine but it is still the same is there any thing else i could try i know i need some new driveshafts but this started last year so i dont think its that any advice would be great i am starting to lose the will to live now thanks
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