ive got a mk2 2.3 which was running fine until recently when there seemed to be a problem with the aircon compressor which was getting hot and the belt could be smelt burning even though i wasn.t using the aircon.When i tried to start all the dash lights dimmed and it wouldn't turn over, i thought the battery was dead so put it on charge overnight but still no joy ,as the voltage read just over 11v i assumed it was at fault and fitted a new one but still the engine wouldn't turn over i felt the starter and it was getting hot. ive tried to bump start it but no luck, it seems as though the engines seized . Could a seized aircon compressor stop the engine turning over even tough its belt driven? or could there be a problem with the starter? im waiting for a break in the weather before i start mooching around oh and the oil and coolant levels are fine by the way, any ideas? thanks