Hi all, I'm a Newbie on here ,having just bought a 2004 galaxy 1.9 tdi 115ps. I have two questions ( well it starts as 2 but may grow lol ) was towing my caravan home from a nice weekend away and was only 15 miles from home when i started to get a severe lack of power especially on even the slightest incline. Along with the power loss i could hear a grinding noise coming from the near side front whhel area. pulled over onto hard shoulder checked everything that i could possibly check i.e. brake sticking on loose wheel nuts etc but could not see anything untoward. any called the friendly rac man who hitched the caravan onto his van and i limped the next 3 miles to get off the motorway. have read numerous different threads , some suggest ecu problems ( but don't think this would explain the grinding noise) some suggest drive shaft ( would this have an effect on power ? ) and then there is the maf sensor ( again i wonder about the grinding. anyway i read n her about a vag-com cable but when i look on ebay for them they all state for vw, seat and audi not for a galaxy ??? am i missing something here ? sorry to be a pain with all these questions but i have only owned the vehicle for a week and don't really know that much about the galaxy. am also now in dispute with the used car dealer at the moment but until i can resolve the dispute i stll need a vehicle to get around. unfortunately the dealers is 60 miles from where i live so its not as simple as just driving it a couple of miles to let him have a look, i need obviously to get a proper assesment of the problems and rough guide to costs before i start bombarding him with phone calls, letters and visits to him. any ideas on which problem its like;y to be and also is the vag-com worth me getting ??? Cheers Mart