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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    Ford galaxy 2.3 mk1
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    South East

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  1. Hi After having my mk1(2000) 2.3 petrol galaxy for nearly 4 years I've just realised that the engine management light doesn't light up when I first turn on the ignition? Is it meant to? I only ask as it does on are focus we have, guess it's part of the system self check. Any info will be helpful. Thanks
  2. Post it on the mk3 forum?
  3. Relay 30?? Had it on mine
  4. Hi sparky Paul, Over Christmas/ new year the clutch when on the galaxy, replaced the clutch yesterday and changed over the pulley. After lightly tapping out the centre bolt and washer out of the new idler pulley it was a straight swap! Bonus. Owe you a drink mate
  5. Hi, My galaxy 2.3 mk1 w plate as an air leak. When you turn the recirculation switch off (so fresh is coming into the cabin) you hear a air leak, it lasts a couple of seconds. Looked in the Haynes manual and there's a servo that controls it so I'm guessing a pipe is off or the servos gone but It still works! Just wondering if anyone knows where the servo pipe goes off to? I'm guessing (again lol) it comes off the inlet manifold as you can only hear it when the engine is running. Anyone changed or checked the servo? Front facia is needed to be removed, easy job? Thanks
  6. Or the wires in the boot gaitor
  7. Check the behind the gaitor on the top right when the boot is open and you'll find some broken wires.
  8. Just changed mine couple of months ago, part no was 95vw 14a664 AA also had 7m0 959 653 on it and that's from a 2.3petrol mk1 2000 model. Hope this is some help.
  9. With the airbag light mine was the same, I changed the squib ring and drivers airbag (both second hand) and the light was still on. It finally went off when the airbag system was reset on my scanner.
  10. Thanks for that sparky Paul Ive got a couple of days off soon so will give it ago.
  11. @ gazmech, thanks bud but wrong one. @ sparky paul, think I'll pop in to fords parts to see what they say about getting it separate.
  12. Hi people My galaxy has developed a constant squeak from the Aux tensioner area, on inspection I found the tensioner pulley worn. Searched online and can only find a complete pulley and tensioner for
  13. Hi Viperclive, I got a noisy tensioner too and was wondering if you had any joy finding a replacement bearing?? My galaxy is the same 2.3 mk1. Thanks Jay
  14. Thanks Seatkid! Just when out and reset it on code reader and the lights out :) I thought as I've had the battery off for an hour it would have cleared the code.
  15. Hi, had the airbag light come on about 6 months ago and code 00588 drivers airbag was logged. Finally got a replacement clock spring and drivers airbag (both known good units) and swapped them over, but light still stays on! :( Does anyone know where the airbag module is located?? Or any other checks that can be done? 2.3 petrol 2000 (w reg) mk1
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