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Everything posted by Vince

  1. I think you will find that even in 'hot' weather the glow plugs still do quite a bit of work, so look there first in my opinion. Vince.
  2. Both sides are dead, so I suspect a relay, would be nice to know which one so I can get one before stripping the damb fusebox. Thanks, Vince.
  3. Myself and Nicola will be at the Great Dorset Steam Fair www.gdsf.co.uk for the week from bank holiday Sunday, anyone else going? Vince.
  4. It is quite possible that the fridge does not like the inverter output. Most inverters output an approximation to a sinewave instead of a real one. There are some inverters available (I have one) that produce an exact sinewave, and these should run anything within their specified power handling. As you might guess, the true sinewave inverters are more money! Vince.
  5. If it's the alternator and/or it's wiring, it will probably get worse if the window heaters are on, and you might notice the headlight bulbs flickering as well. It might be worth checking for voltage differences between the alternator and the battery terminals. If the wiring is faulty then you will see a voltage difference between + on the battery and + on the alternator, same for earth and - Vince.
  6. Is this not a common problem then folks? Vince.
  7. Instead of looking under the bonnet, try sitting in the driver's seat, turning the key and then pressing the pedel on the right. Practice this pressing action a little and you might get to like it! :) Vince. Well if you ask my wife if she want's the 2.3 or the 2.8, then you will know why I drive the 2.3! Yes you have to keep bunging in smelly liquid in the back, but the IN BETWEEN TIMES!!!!!!
  8. Hi, I added towing sockets to my 97 gal a few years ago. I didn't know there was a plug ready and waiting! Where is that then? As to the fridge/charging, I would expect these to be seperate. Fridge live all the time, charging only live when the engine is running. I ran a cable from the alternator so I knew when the engine was running, and put a relay between that and the live feed for the power outlet sockets in the rear. The alternator feed just runs the coil of the relay, and it connects the perm live to the charge circuit, so in a way, yes they are joined, but only when the engine's running. Vince.
  9. The front window heater doesn't work on my wife's car, it's the element built into the screen type. Does anyone have info on the location of the relays and fuses for this? I know the power connection points are either side of the screen and behind the sunroof panel. It's a 2.8 Ghia X 1999 (T Plate) with the newer style fusebox (minature fuses and no relays showing). I guess the relay is going to be on a lower 'level' of the fusebox, but fuse location and relay location would make this a simpler job. Anyone else seen the screen heater fail for any other reason (other than fuses or relay? Switch I suppose!). I am thinking about buying a relay before I take the dash out! Vince.
  10. Correct about the price, but don't expect them to have one! Vince. :(
  11. Having recently changed plugs and leads on one of these, and found out later that there is a special tool for removing the leads... Did you use the correct tool for the leads? Or could you have strained a good number of them? Vince.
  12. On my 1997 2.3 petrol, one of the small 30A fuses in the additional fusebox (in the engine compartment) is for the secondary blower (if I am remembering correctly). I think it's something to do with blowing clean air into the exhaust to drop the emissions. The whole approach sounds like a cheat to me, it's a game of statistics and I doubt it helps the environment at all. I asked on here once what an error code ment, and the result was replace the little sized 30A fuse in the aux fusebox. Vince.
  13. If you have an electical test meter, pull apart the connector just short of the fan and check that the contacts across the motor show a low resistance and when the engine is running the feed from the car has over 12v across it. If it's like mine, there will be an open circuit on the motor and 13+v available from the vehicle. I took mine off and replaced it, then found that the motor brush springs had jammed. I freed the springs and cleaned up the intenal parts of the motor and put it back on the car in place of the second fan as that was also failing. Checking for voltage avoids the 'should it be working now?' question. Just watch where your fingers are when making tests with the engine running! Vince.
  14. My wife's 2.8 V6 petrol has a big badge on top of the engine claiming to be 'Ford', but we know different don't we! All Ford made was the badge! Vince.
  15. Special tool for taking off the spark plug leads???????? New one on me, I just pulled mine off, but I was changing the leads too, so it didn't matter too much! Vince.
  16. I think I need to go and lay down after reading this thread! Vince. :angry:
  17. I don't have step by step, but I can remember that the dash bolts through to the engine compartment, I can remember taking out the wiper mechanism to get to these bolts, and if you have to drop the steering wheel tensioning spring, this is a pain in the bottom! Vince.
  18. You can see a picture of me, and what I use my Galaxy for here... http://www.martyns.net/37_0005.jpg Vince.
  19. 1. Vince - no surprise there then. 2. Near Reading, a stone's throw from El Dingo. 3. Galaxy 2.3 Ghia X 1997 & Galaxy 2.8 V6 Ghia X 4x4 1999 4. 6 years 5. I did, and would buy again. 6. Not sure on cost but I seem to get through radiator fans and have had to replace central locking controller and the air con matrix inside the 2.3. Did this myself with help from a local mobile air con guy. 7. IT Consultant
  20. Sorry to be on topic, but our 97 2.3 Mk1 doesn't flash, but the 99 Mk1 V6 does. Both Ghia X. Vince.
  21. Have you got heated seats? If so, that's probably what the wires are for. The passenger side is worst if it get's wet, the central locking controller is there. Vince.
  22. Are you sure about the brake light switch being common to the CC? On our 2.3 Mk1 manual there are two switches on the brake pedal. Vince.
  23. Hi Nik, Thanks for the suggestions, I did try helping the glass down whilst operating the door switch, and it wasn't interested. Any ideas what will happen if I start undoing the torx screws that support the motor? I don't want to hear a crashing noise as the glass drops down! Your rear window sounds to me like the controller needs a good talking to! Is there someone on the forum who knows tech stuff to that level? Vince.
  24. Hi Nik, Yes I tried that and it wouldn't budge, any other suggestions? Vince.
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