hi there i had a problem with my abs light on all the time had it plugged in and it was the reluctor ring on the off side front after looking at it i could see it wasnt turning so today i changed it, i undid the track rod end and the 2 allen nuts underneath and the main nut that bolts the drive shaft on then managed to get the drive shaft out of the wheel i took the ring out and it had snapped cleaned it all up with a wire brush put the new one on put back drive shaft bolted every thing back up i did have a problem with the track rod end any way put another one on from another galaxy that i am breaking did every thing up so nothing was loose put the wheel back on took it for a run up the road well i was well chuffed as abs light went out great but then the front started vibrating and shaking as if a wheel was going to fall off i checked it all out and i cannot see anything that could be up, the track rod end does seem to be very loose as you can move it and it is done right up tight so now i am stuck as dont know what to do if any one could shed some light on it would be great