Hi Guys, starting issues with my Galaxy 1.9TDi 2002 - 150,000 miles ! Apologies for my layman approach to this post, but I have found that by giving as much info as possible someone will find a solution quicker ! Therefore, first thing in the morning key enters ignition then turned, glow plug warning lights briefly then goes off ....... there is a very brief ignition as if the engine will about to fire, this disappears & the engine will crank continuously without firing for about 10 to 15 secs then all of sudden kicks into life & off I go..... While all this was going on, over my right shoulder the Led light in the door is flashing like mad ! As soon as the engine runs this light goes out. I used to have a cloud of black smoke to accompany all this on ignition, but this has recently disappeared since the last service Oil Air & Fuel filter. Now, I'm certain the battery is OK as there are no signs of it weakening whilst cranking. Vagcom shows no faults ! One strange thing - the colder the weather (early Jan) the easier it appeared to start ! This is probably coincidence. Also, I used to hear what sounded like a pump kicking in over my left should - I hear no more ! One more thing, car cut out in low gears this morning 2 - 3rd transition & was a pig to restart ! I have read many threads with possible causes inc. fuel leaking back from the filter, low pressure fuel pump intermittently working (had the wiring checked on this & I'm told it's ok), fuel pump timing, relay problems, even mobiliser issues - my question is, is there anyone out there who has had the same symptoms as me & found a resolution to it quickly !! I live in the North West & would like any recommendations of a garage / specialist that can resolve this issue quickly. Any comments welcomed in advance