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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by ARSENAL79PLACE

  1. No i havent but only owned it for 5 months or so. I see what you mean though.
  2. The one above the clip with the red circle on.... :rolleyes:
  3. Thanks Dave, Its a 2005 (05) 2.3 Petrol engine but seems to be a VW part number... I think
  4. Folks, Found my coolant leak is due to a perished hose with a couple of part numbers on. I have tried to google them but no luck. Can anyone help? The numbers on the hose are 7M5 121 073 M and YM21 8A557 BC... Thanks Andy
  5. Folks, Please help.... So here goes Went to get my wheel alignment altered and was on idle for a while whilst it was altered, tested and checked. All was good. Drove down the road and steam was porring out from passenger side of the bonnet. Stopped and went back to tyre garage. Opened bonnet and water pooring out form underneath car on passenger side. Mate from tyre garage opened coolant cap and there was pressure there still. I had lost around a pint or so of coolant. Topped it up and said it sometimes happens when the car has been idling for a while!!! Not sure about that anyhow.... Went home and checked bonnet and it is still leaking from this clip. It is constantly dripping out? Any ideas?? Thanks Andy
  6. Folks, So had a look this morning at what had occured and removed the gerabox suround. Here is what i found.. There are two cables leading from the front of the car to the gearstick. The two cables then go into a steel rod which then just drops into two plastic springs which disappear into the gearstick housing. One of the cables had come out of the black plastic spring. All i did was pull back the spring and place the rod back inside and then release the plastic spring. It seems to be fine now and seems sturdy. At least the same as the other cable. I wonder if the plastic clip hasnt been secure for some time and no after some heavy towing a caravan to the lakes and back has caused it to give way. Any thoughts
  7. Is that an expensive jobby?
  8. Folks, So my Galaxy 2.3 Ghia on an 05 had a brand new gearbox, clutch etc by previous owner using genuine parts, (Thames Valley Police) and something bizarre has just occured. Its doen 112k but new gearbox etc at 107k Put it into first gear and went to drive off. It popped out of first and then the gearstick has gone all floppy. I can move it from 1st to 5th without having to in and out of the box and as you move it into 4th you can hear a cable twanging... Clutch feels fine as normal but you can move the gearstick around with one finger all the way around. Apart from reverse which you have to go around the gate. Any ideas?? Thanks Guys im worried
  9. Mybe its a bit steep, but they have done a fab job. Both electric sockets fold underneath the car and nothing can be seen. I could only source the parts for £260 myself. So £90 for fiting all the twin electrics and towbar aint bad IMO. Plus there aint much room around the spare wheel.
  10. Folks, I have ended up going for a twin electrics with a removable Witter towbar fitted for £350. Very happy man. I have just dropped it off for fitting so should be ready early afternoon ish. I will report back once its done and hopefully all will go well.
  11. Folks, I have a question for all you fellow Galaxy owners. So i need a towbar for the bus but the Mrs can't reverse without the parking sensors!! So i need to keep it working. I contacted two fitters who said that they would fit a fixed towbar and all i need to do is to remove the bolts from the fixed towbar everytime i don't need it. This seems a bit crazy to me to have a fixed towbar only to unbolt it everytime its not being used. Any thoughts?? Anyhow the third towbar company said no way should you unbolt the fixed towbar constantly. I took the bus to see him. We checked whether the fixed swan neck or flange ball towbar was picked up by the sensors and yes it was. Bummer. So he has suggested a removable towbar fitted with twin electrics for £325. What do you reckon? The fixed towbar at the other places were around £240. All advice appreciated.
  12. Folks, Update... Been to my garage today and they plugged it in both ports. The gas was empty and you could hear the a leak from the front of the car. It was just coming straight out. Any ideas where to go now? It is too much for the garage i go to sort out. Thanks
  13. Where is the other port then?? Just so i know when i get it done. Its a mechanic mate doing it on the side so if i can help with a bit of knowledge all the better. Plus. What is the actual process of re-gassing? Thanks
  14. Folks, My last task is to locate the low pressure port for my Galaxy 2.3 05 plate so it can be re-gassed. Any ideas where this is? I'm led to beleive this where to re gas it from. Cheers
  15. Well, Evans Halshaw Ford what a complete joke. They had my car for an hour this morning to fix the above faults. They then said to me they ouldnt fix the cruise control and didn't no how to!!!! I replied you are a ford dealer and this is a ford car yes...No answer just a blank face. They then said they try to regas it but were not sure whether this would fix it..... I walked out rather frustrated... I got home and attempted the cruise control fix. The tube was split completelty in 2. Went to a spares shop and got some hosing for £1..Cash..Lol And hey presto cruise control now working.....A very happy man indeedy.... Gonna get the climate control re-gassed by somebody else and thats the last fault to fix. Cheers
  16. Thanks for the replies, The Galaxy had a new air conditioning compressor fitted 2 years ago by previous owner so i'm hoping its just the re-gassing thats required. Cheers
  17. Folks, My 2005 2.3 Ghia Galaxy is off to Frauds tomorrow for a free diagnostic check from Evans Halshaw Ford Gainsborough. Its got the flashing climate display for 15 seconds and the cruise control not setting. My query is how can i get the free VAGCOM download and does anyone have a link?? ALso does anyone know which lead to get to work for my laptop to my car? I want these to confirm what frauds say is wrong and give me an astronomical price fix.....But maybe i will be lucky Cheers Andy
  18. Did your cruise light switch on in the dashboard display?
  19. Folks, I'm hoping somebody can help me with my last two faults to sort out on my new bus. Fault 1 ... The climate unit flashes for 15 seconds when the engine is first turned on which i realise is a system fault. The air con is not cold in either eco or auto mode. The rear blowers dont seem to want to blow either. Is this a case of just re-gassing and checking for leaks etc or is in your experience is this something more serious or expensive to fix. I am having it re-gassed next week and this will hopefully work...fingers crossed. It was re-gassed by previous keeper around 3 years ago so the system did work. Any thoughts?? Fault 2.... Cruise control - The cruise control turns on using the switch and the light flashes up on the dash. However when trying to set the speed, nothing not a sausage. Any ideas?? Thanks for your help Regards Andy :blush:
  20. Folks, Just had the same beeping problem with my 05 Ghia 2.3 Galaxy. Checked the buzzing sensors and found the two middle ones at the back were not working. Checked the wiring etc which was fine. So assumed it was the sensors themselves. Cheapest from Ford £80 each. Ebay £45 for 2 delivered. Bargain..... So they have just arrived and i wasn't very impressed they looked rather grubby and in far worse condition then mine...but....just plugged them in and hey presto..the system is brill. Works front and rear and im relieved and impressed. One happy Galaxy owner. Now just the cruise control and climate to sort out :blush:
  21. What is? Im confused??? The aerial on the roof is that not how the radio gets it's signal?? There is a black lining on the rear offside quarter with a small black connecter at the top of the window and this seems connected.... Should i pull the radio out and check for connections behind it?? Thanks Andy
  22. Mine is a 2005 Ghia. SO check for the antenna then and what does the roof aerial do then?
  23. Morning All, I am hoping somebody may be able to point me in the right direction to solve a radio signal issue with my Galaxy. First of all it used to be a Police vehicle and may have stolen the aerial somehow but how to i find out. I have checked the aerial on the roof and the fixings which all seem fine. The lead then dissapears under the roof lining and out of sight. Where should i look next. I was going to remove stereo and check the aerial lead? Any other ideas or things to check? All advice welcome Thanks Andy
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