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Ford Galaxy Owners Club

The Inhibitor

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  • Vehicle Type
    Ford Galaxy V6 Ghia 2002 Automatic
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  • Region
    South East

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  • Interests
    Driving my car without problems that envolve money.

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Member (2/8)



  1. Hi all... Update to recent post r/e car price
  2. Excellent Baz... Clean out those Fred scuttles, remove leaves crud etc. etc, and put a sump pump under both seats ASAP., and if it's auto, take apart the brain and dry it out. Always good advice for this time of year.. Happy motoring !" Oh and I prefere Mica Paris on my Leather seats if possible!
  3. yup me too , many missing posts, winds us up (my precious)so it does
  4. Prehaps the lumps could meet, (you know) and produce some kind of V12 hybrid monster that could run on waste products etc, but you would need some mighty fancy (cut-shut) action....
  5. you must all see the video; typical septic mentality toward purchasing etc.
  6. You must all see the video; it is very slick, typical septic mentality toward product purchase etc
  7. J'ai nai c'est pa bonne, Avez vous un Pannez assosiatione, pour le merd automobile?
  8. ran over small bunny once, 15 year ago..... my wife will not let it lie... every time i see a bunny all the kids shout out in unision" dad your a bunny killer aren't you!!" some times i wish I could transport myself 2 a warm pup garden with a pint of quality bitter and a pack of pork scratchings and no kids am I evil 4 this????
  9. See the leads thems all new an improved, but cos the government make my petrol so costly me now want a taste of the dark side...........
  10. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ok It was kinda rhetorical actually. sorry about that.I was bored of trying to sell it see....
  11. What is this thing! get it out... NOW
  12. You may have a short between the wires, which would still show continuity, if you can bell out all no problem, try continuity to earth
  13. No.... I feel more time is required on the undershield....... Uses:- Tobbogan Plant holder Shield against rayguns Transformers chest armour Aid for giant turtle's who have had shell stolen Wendy house for guinie pigs mould for jelly And the best colour is Tourmalard deathmatch...................
  14. String my friend....... String, a usefull adition to any tool kit........... stuffed into the rear bit with the vent's that keeps falling off when the pushchair hits it. String... that old friend.......... cut off the actuation arm from the wiper motor, the etch-a-sketch bit leave, then tie string onto the highest point on the nearest blade...and....bob's your uncle!! clear screen.... Tongue in cheek yes... But I have done this to an old Mk 3 cortina many moons ago, coming home from Devon on a stormy night!
  15. Very impressive macro camera action on the screw Matt................. If you focus in on the tarten car rug closer you can just pick out the breed of sheep used by the fibre strand's If the shot was in the same position in my car, it would reveal a mixture of hair,food particals and vomit left by the kid's adventure's! Which is another good reason to become proficiant in all aspects of interior trim removal and replacment paule230!! "Daddy....Daddy!!!.....Blooooooooooooooooooooor....
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