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Ford Galaxy Owners Club

sean tattersall

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Everything posted by sean tattersall

  1. Thanks for one of the replies. Simple really to give others the knowledge gained over time, don't you think ? As for the instant replies that are obviously only posted to try and be clever or to start an arguement......................................get a life. you read the orriganal post and said nothing, then sat in your arm chair and attempted to belittle...... I now have my answer, and am pleased I will no longer have to visit this site. As its obvious galaxy auoto's are as a general rule, no good. Again thanks Chispb123456, I hope other users might just learn how to exchange a simple verse that could be helpfull like yours. Rather than waiting for a bitchin contest. Yours Non galaxy owner Sean Tattersall (and ex newbie member I have no doubt) ;-)
  2. Just like to say thanks to the 40 odd people that read my post regarding automatics. really gratefull for all your advice and comments. Yours, Sean......
  3. I forgot to mention, It matters not what the engine is, be it deisel or petrol, or the size of engine. I drive like a snail so am not bothered about it being a vr6 or turbo etc. Thanks again Sean
  4. Hy I am on the lookout for another galaxy. Mk2 this time. The first point on any car i'm looking at is it being an auto (due to disabillity). Are there any good automatic galaxies ? I ask this as most of the posts on here seem to doupt the automatic as being reliable. I prefare tip-tronic style but wont be upset if a standard auto is better and therefore the one to go for. I reckon most other issues I should be ok with. Any help would be greatly appreaciated Many thanks in advance Sean.
  5. Hello people. Used to be a member but got rid of the mk3, but am now on the hunt for a mk2. so probably a few questions for those that are wise.....
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