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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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  • Vehicle Type
    2005 Galaxy 1.9TDI (PS130) Ghia
  • Vehicle Model
  • Region
    East Midlands

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  • Location
    Dump Town

chromedome's Achievements

Super advanced Member

Super advanced Member (5/8)




Community Answers

  1. Try posting in the Mk 2 forum.
  2. From memory. reconnect the motor electrical supply and make sure it is in the park position. Looking down on the linkage the wiper motor plate should point to the left and in alignment parallel to the linkage. Reattach the motor.
  3. I agree with everyone else. Avoid the solid flywheel conversion unless you want to spend more money replacing your transmission. Also agree with BrianH about the J&R drive shafts.
  4. My MK2 was Platinum. Got a spray can from local Ford dealer.
  5. The vibration is more than likely a drive shaft. Get a quality replacement for the 130. I fitted cheap ones, Q something, on mine and they were rubbish. Fortunately got a refund. The remote key may need reprogramming to the car. I think there is a link in the FAQs at the top of the forum on how to do this. Electrical issues are normally due to wires breaking and shorting in the gaiter between the car and door. Start checking with the driver's door first and work your way to the least used door. Also check in the gaiter on the tailgate. This could be the cause of the door mirror not working and, believe it or not, your radio not working all the time. Not sure where you can source a key for the tow bar but try a local locksmith. As far as I know the wiring is modular and I think connects in the offside rear light.
  6. I think only petrol Galaxys use vacuum pipes for cruise control. TDI uses an electronic system but that's all I know unfortunately. Perhaps someone else will be able to give more details.
  7. Yours is a MK3 Galaxy. Try posting in that forum.
  8. Was it a Calcium battery that you fitted?
  9. Apparently the rear suspension arm bushes on the Mk3 have a tendency to crack. May be worth looking at. I've been told it's a common problem on the new shape Mondeo and the Mk3 Galaxy uses the same set up.
  10. Crankshaft positioning sensor, is this connected ok? Is it a Mk1 or Mk2?
  11. Also why everything is stripped down it's advisable to change the water pump at the same time. A Ford Dealer will rip you off. Do you know anyone who works at your local Ford garage. I got it done, with genuine parts and water pump, by a friendly mechanic for £200.
  12. Just had my Galaxy serviced by main dealer, idiot I know, and they say I need to have a four wheel alignment done. Does the Mk3 Galaxy have the facility to do a four wheel alignment or is the dealer trying to recover the costs of their new machine? Thanks. PS. All four tyres appear to be wearing evenly.
  13. Try posting in the Mk1/Mk2 forum.
  14. Broken wire(s) in the wiring between the door and car. Check the most used door first followed by the next in line and the boot. Common fault.
  15. Was it raining or the roads wet at the time? If the under tray is missing then water gets to the power steering pulley causing intermittent steering failure because the belt slips.
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