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Ford Galaxy Owners Club

Roy B

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  1. Hi Thanks for the reply, I will try and have a look at the wiring over the weekend. Any idea how to remove the motor in the door, I think there is an individual motor for each door, It is just a case of knowing how to remove then repair or replace it. I did have a look through the fact sheets but couldn't find any details. Thanks Roy
  2. I have a problem with the central locking on my '52 plate' (2003) Galaxy. The doors would not lock, then when locked not open. Through some very helpful people on this site I have managed, through process of elimination, identified the problem to the nearside rear passenger door. This was done by unplugging the looms for each door and seeing which ones work. The rear door is now unplugged and everything, expect that door, is working. The problem is identifying if the problem is with the wiring or as someone has posted it could be the motor for that individual door. Can someone please asnswer the question - 1. How do I check the wiring in the loom? 2. How do I take out the motor in the door to check if it is working? Any help would be greatly appreciated. I have tried the fact sheets on this site but can never get them to open. Thanks Roy
  3. Yeah took wiring out of the door completely did a continuatiy test on all wires. Just thinking if it cud be the lock itself or ecu under passenger seat. I did look for it but couldn't find it. Will have to take seat out. If it is a Mk 11, you will not find the ECU under th seat. The only one that is there is for the parking sensors. The main ECU has been placed in a different location.
  4. I am trying to work out a few problems with my 2002 Galaxy, One is that I am trying to swap the front door handles over as the drivers one a part has broken off so when you pull the exterior door handle it wont open. I have got them both off but I am having trouble getting them back on again. The part that goes around the door opener so that when you pull the handle it pulls on a metal bar and opens the door, I cannot get this part to go around the bar so the handle just pulls and nothing happens. I hope I have explained this OK. Any help to fit these handles back on would be appreciated. Thanks Roy
  5. I have solved the drivers door not opening. The clip inside has broken off. Trying to swap the passenger door handle onto it now. You can tell I am a newbie, I have got the handle of but now struggling to get it back on, can't get the clip around the bar that opens the door. Thanks for your help. Roy
  6. Thanks Gregers, I will post a few more and see if that helps. Seems like this central locking issue is a massive problem on Galaxy's. Is it still the same on the newer models?
  7. Thanks Gregors, however, I have been to the FAQ section and everytime I click on a link it comes up with a connection error. Not sure why but it is only in that section of the site it happens.
  8. Hi all, I am hoping that someone can help me. I have a 2003 '52' plate Galaxy 1.9 TDi with problems with the locking system in general. The problem started a while ago when the Central Locking would not work on all doors, it would unlock some but not others and never the same pattern. I would sometimes need to lock the doors from the inside and other times it would be OK. However, sometimes when you try and unlock the car you can hear the noise of the central locking working other times you don't. When I unlocked the car yesterday two doors unlocked which where the near side doors, the drivers door would not open from the outside. You could open it with the lever inside by reaching through but not from the outside. On occassions today the rear passenger door on the drivers side was the same. My fear is that soon I will try and get in the car and none of the doors will open. I have had a car electrician look at it and he took the door panel off and looked at the wiring and he said it seemed OK. He had the Galaxy wiring diagram with hime but this is the "'Ford Badged' VW version". He said he would get a diagram and come back but haven't heard from him since. About 3 years ago we had the standard leak from the washer pipe that soaked the footwell and damaged the module for the Parking Sensors which was replaced. I think on this model the parking sensor module is the only one there. The two heated door mirrors do not work either, they move but not heat up. Not sure if this could be connected. I have been told it could be the on-board computer that is playing up and that would be a majorly expensive thing to fix, with Fords charging as much as they do it probably would not be worth it. The car has done 93,000 miles and runs great so I don't want to scrap it but I feel that this could be the only option if I cannot get to the bottom of it. Nobody wants to buy a car that you can't lock properly or get into. If anyone can help me I would be very greatfull, any advice will be greatly received and appreciated. Best regards Roy
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