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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    ford galaxy ghia 1997

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  1. Hi...Can anyone help? The Indicators on the left side of my 1997 galaxy are not working... do not have a fusebox diagram so dont know which fuse/relay to check???
  2. Hi :wacko: & thx u. I have tried it that way too but window still not moving.
  3. Hi Can any one help?? I cant hear the relay click when i push the window switch so possibly a faulty relay?? but then would'nt the other windows stop working too?? & i cant hear it clicking when pushing the others?? thx u
  4. Hello & thx u for your reply. I have tried this but just that window does not close?.
  5. Hi, & thx u for your reply :wacko: Being an independant lady i have taken the door trim off & looked at the wires to switch & all looks fine. What & where are the gators? Thx u
  6. Hi, can any body help please??? My son pushed the switch for rear window inside door trim, since then the electric window would not open or close. somehow it opened yesterday & now it will not close! I have checked the fuse & this looks ok any ideas please. Many Thanks
  7. Looks very similar but my Galaxy is 1997 & this is 2000 on. Thanks though! :)
  8. Maybe i not using the Forum right but when i search for Roll Restrictor i just get my post up? :)
  9. Galaxy? Sharan? Alhambra? Petrol, Diesel? 1995? 2001? 2006? Gee us some clues! Apologies ;) its a 1997 Ford Galaxy Ghia 2l Petrol :)
  10. Hi, Was driving yesterday & pulled up at a junction & heard/felt a big clunk under front of car! Tried to drive but felt vibration & movement at front of car. Called out breakdown & a bolt had sheared off of an arm under front/middle of car. After looking at Haynes i am guessing that this is the Engine roll restrictor. breakdown guy tried to fix a new bolt but he said that the thread had gone & i would need a new arm? Can anyone tell me how much this will cost & the best place to purchase it from? and more importantly what the part name is! Thanks & i just love this Forum! :)
  11. Hi Again! Well i unplugged it and plugged it back in twice(just to be sure) And at first it went to Error 1 & then back to Error 5. So that did not work, could it be that a fuse has gone on the Autochanger? I dont really know alot about it but im trying! There appears to be no power on the Autochanger. Please help!. Many Thanks
  12. Many Thanks to all, Gonna try unplugging first! I will let you know how i get on. By the way, i think that the forum is fantastic!
  13. Hi, I have a 1997 Ghia which has a Ford 2007R Rds Stereo and CD Autochanger. Just recently the CD Autochanger stopped working. The stereo is displaying error 5 but this means nothing to me as i do not have a manual for the stereo.Does anybody have a manual or know what this error means? Please help me as i need my Music!!! :( Many Thanks Tracey
  14. Hi, Thank you for the welcome :) , And thank you for your replies, am going to have another go at finding the additional relay box and will let you know how i get on. Many thanks to all for information, what a GREAT forum!! You are kind people! I did have some work done on the car, New unit for airbag and also a new steering rack fitted so maybe it has been disconnected?. Will keep you posted
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