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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by Dex

  1. Just to add to this topic. My front and rear wipers stopped working. Water jets stopped. Lights wouldn't turn on and heater blowers would not turn on. All stopped together. No power going to fuses 20-26. After a lot of investigation I found that a wire had burnt off the end of the ignition switch. Second hand replacement part was €65. Problem solved.. Hope this helps someone.
  2. Evening folks, Had the water in passangers footwell problem also. When I read the forums I found that yes the rear washer hose had come undone under the plastic trim. I was delighted. Unfortunately a week later I had an inch of water in the footwell after heavy rain. Checked all the drains etc and they were all clear. To get to my point. I stripped out the front of the galaxy. Plastic trims, wiper arm etc, removed the polen filter and the polen filter housing. I notices water had wet the seal inside the filter housing, so I bed it in silicon placed it back in, gave the right hand nut of it an extra little squeeze and hay-presto, no water since. Hope this helps some one as it broke my heart.. Dec
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