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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    2001 1.9TDi Ghia

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  1. Hi folks, I need to stick a replacement GPS antenna on my sat-nav. Every posting I've read seems to imply that it's just a matter of fitting it under the dash. However, when I take out the MFD and the little boxes on the top of the dash, and even the clock, I can see nowhere to fit it from where I can then get a wire back to the MFD. it's a 2001 galaxy Ghia. Any suggestions which don't involve removing the whole dash? Matt
  2. Thanks for the advice jkspoff - I feared some kind of horror story beginning to unfold. I found it!!!!!!! It turns out to be a cuboid about 9mm x 3mm x 2mm. With a slight bit taken out from one corner. It is black with tiny writing and a philips logo. It was on the drive, about 10 feet away from where the key came apart. I popped it back in and it worked. Have now glued it in to be extra safe. We have only ever had two keys, so I am now going to get another off ebay and keep a spare spare so I've got two to reprogram with.
  3. Hi Folks, Yesterday I managed to shut my Galaxy (2001 TDi) remote key in the front door and it fell apart. I thought I had picked up all the bits and re-assembled it. However, today the car won't start because of the immobiliser. From reading various posts there is mention of a transponder chip which should be in the key. I have a horrible feeling it's dropped out as I can't see anything which looks like a chip in there. I've been through the vacuum cleaner dust and grovelled around outside the front door, but I have no idea what I'm looking for. Presumably it looks really electronic and expensive......... Can anyone give me roughly the dimensions, colour etc of this vital chip? Also, is it possible to get the chip without the rest of the parts? The key and the remote locking part still work fine which would save a lot of messing around with cutting a new one. On my spare key and black plastic key I have a black plastic tag with a long alpha numeric code and a 5 digit number - could this be the immobiliser pin to use with my VAG COM? Thanks, Matthew
  4. I suspected my thermostat for a while as it also took ages to reach 90, although would get up there on a motorway run. However, assuming that something is happening at 90 to stop it from rising above that temperature, and it is probably the thermostat opening, then it must be functioning to some extent, even if it is leaking a little bit at lower temperatures. What speeded up warm-up for me was fixing the booster heater. Now gets noticeably warm in about 2 miles, still takes quite a while to reach 90, and doesn't really ever get there on a day like today just driving around town. Matt
  5. It's fixed!!!! Thanks to the posts in this thread, I got a new glow plug, changed it over in 90 mins (would have been less only I forgot to put the fuel pipe back on so I had to take it all off again) and I now have a fully operational aux heater. Thanks to everyone who has gone before for the excellent posts which enabled me to diagnose the problem and fix it so easily. Matt :lol:
  6. Having connected up my newly arrived VAG-COM cable, and tickled the Aux Heater, I get the following fault code: 01491 - Glow-Plug for Heater (Q9) 36-00 - Open Circuit There were 5 of them in a row, so I cleared them and started the car again, and another one appeared, so at least it's consistent. Can I take it from this that the glow plug needs replacing? No mention of flame outs or anything like that. I am wondering if I should be checking the wiring as well. What a great thread. Now I'm going to see if I can buy a pink blanket off ebay........... Matt
  7. I guess it's a fairly basic question, but where do I plug my soon-to-arrive vag-com cable into the veeehiccle? I know where the connector is on my VWgolf because the cover's fallen off, but my Galaxy hasn't lost enough trim for it to be visible yet! Yours, in anticipation, Matt
  8. Hi JRL, I've ordered a USB VAG-COM compatible cable from Alpha-Bid on eBay. Have read several positive postings about Alpha-Bid so I thought it would be worth a try for approx
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