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Everything posted by metaljim

  1. Hi, sorry chrispb 123456, crank and pump were out, i am sure the cam was ok, does that make sence ? When i fitted the new crank gog the last time, i put the belt on without undoing the cam sprocket bolt, begining to wonder now if that has been part of my trouble as well, because i have only loosend that cam bolt the once, when i had trouble getting the new belt back on, that was when i got the car this time last year and changed the belt as the other one had a split in it, was it tightened enough, as i had no proper locking tool for the cam, this time i stuck a half inch extension bar through the engine mounting and into one of the holes on the cam sprocket and done the bolt up that way lol. did buy myself a locking set from ebay only to find out it did not fit mine, so ended up with a long extension socket for the diesel pump, and made up a plate for the end of the cam sharft, i really need something to hold that crank in place tho lol..
  2. I did loosen the camsharft and i am sure i did it back up enough, i used a long bar on it and i must have easily tightened it to 40lb or more. like you say that can only be the one that is moving now...
  3. If they dont undo by hand, then stand on the bar and bounce on it ,they will soon move then lol
  4. Thanks to the members getting back again, just to say i had a look at the timing for the 99th time lol, and its out again just cannot work this one out as everything was all tightened up, this is the same trouble i have been having for some time now, you time it back up and after a couple of days it goes out and thats doing well over hundred miles each time, is it just me or has anyone else has had the same trouble. Belt on and off a couple of times today as it did not time up the first time and back together, well under 3 hours, i have had some motors in my time and this one beats the lot lol, Will let you all know how i get on this time...
  5. Guess what, back to non starting first thing in the morning, today did not want to use it but got the easy-start out and it started strait away, i have noticed today that after a good hour parked up, it took quite a few turns to get it started without the easy-start, the car started perfect for three days after changing the timing cog, after that you could notice that every morning it was taking longer to get started, and today it did not want to know, its like firing all the time but just wont pick up, so i thought i would take the air fillter out and see if that would make any differance, it just turned over and over and nothing else, just as if there was no diesel getting through, but as before once started it drives perfect, no pulling back and plenty of go in her lol can anybody tell me about the lead which plugs onto the maf sensor, on mine there is another lead that comes off it with a plug on it, does it go anywhere, as i cannot find a place for it.. I can see a Galaxy going up for sale soon lol.
  6. Just to say thanks to everybody who got back to us, looks like it might be back to happy motoring again lol. most of my trouble being that cranksharft timing cog, highly recommend checking that if you are having the same issue that i been having, i believe (seatkid) told me to check that a while back. Got my cog from eurocarparts £28 The flat edge on my cog was half missing. !!Great site catch you again!!
  7. O well new cog for me as the other one is F D
  8. Again thanks for the imfo seatkid, i have thought you might have told me to piss off by now lol, thats it now if i can get it started i am of up the the road and get myself the woodruff key if its got one, or will have to walk up if its the cog.
  9. Can it still be timing as i have done 3 hundred miles and checked all the marks i have made previous and they all line up still - crank - camsharft - diesel pump, did not check flywheel end this time. When warm you can turn the key on and off and will start all the time with no problems, just been out to try and start it now 10pm just a couple of turns no joy, but did notice that as soon as i turned the key, that the glow plug light only stayed on a split second each time, but when i was out there in the afternoon, the glow plug light stayed on a few seconds longer and with a test light put into one of the connection on the busbar once the glow plug light goes out, the power at the busbar stays on for much longer there than the light on the dash does, is that normal.. hope you can make sence of that lol
  10. Weather permiting will get that cog of tomorrow, then just hope mine has got the woodruff key, but if i have to get a new crank cog, would it be best to go to VW instead of Fords, or can you get them from a motor factors ? just to say it has got to be that cog, because every time i time it back up, it will always start with flip of the key.
  11. Hi Seatkid, was getting back to Brian when you posted, i think i will do what you say and have a look at the bottom cog and get that sorted first, like i said to Brian five minute job lol.
  12. Hi Brian, thanks for getting back, yea when started it drives well and you can get plenty of speed out of it and ticks over nice, will just have to check and see if i have a dodgy busbar or a short somewhere...this is the first diesel i have ever owned and worked on in my forty years of driving, have learnt a bit about them in the year i have owned it. Five minute job now if i have to change the timming belt lol....
  13. Guess what .... i believe the belt has jumped again lol, for a couple of days there it would start at the flip of the key first thing in the morning, now gone back where its taking a few turns to get it going, and back to the white smoke again, thats happend a few times now, where i have found the timing has gone out, so back of with the mountings and covers etc and this time which i should have done before, check that bottom bloody crank cog, where it has been so cold out there working on the car, and rushing to get back indoors lol, i should of checked that cog the last time. Will not blame fleabay yet seatkid for the tensioner, looked in my purchase history and cannot find it there, the only other place i might have brought it from is eurocarparts but yet to find the invoice. As i am writting this my mate has just come along and reccons its more to do with the glow plugs, as when i get it started after a couple of turns and let it run for a few minutes, and go and turn it off and back on again its starts perfect, and the way it ticks over and i told him it runs fine on a run, he said it would not run like that if the timing was out, think about it now i dont surpose it would, did look at plugs not long ago and did notice sometimes that when you turn the key on they would glow and then turn the key off and back on again nothing, do they work like that or should they glow every turn of the key.......
  14. Thanks everybody for your help, i am now back on the road again, my trouble has been the tensioner, since i brought it off ebay new and fitted it, you could never get it to tension up right, the marks would not line up, even my mate had ago but could not make sence of it, so in the end we just turned it to what we thought was tensioned enough, twice i have strip the car down and done it that way, stripping it down this time and still trying to work out why it would not tension up, i thought i would put the old one back on and give that one ago, when i went to take new one off,i undone the nut of the tensioner and went to pull it away and a piece of the back plate of the tensioner fell on the deck, put the old one back on and it tension up with no trouble. the old one looks ok just hope it holds out........ that is what caused most of my trouble where the belt has jumped a tooth or two lol...
  15. Hi Matt, thanks for the info,thats the next thing i must check,as we are having fun at the moment where we are getting the belt on all lined up, and then when we tension the belt up it goes out of line again..will have to get that crank sprocket off and have a look.
  16. Changed back the relay seatkid and new battery still no go, putting it down to timing as the marks are not lining up, what a pig it is trying to find them timing marks through the hole in the bell housing, next time if i get another Galaxy, hopfuly the cam belt has just been changed lol,
  17. Well had the battery tested today and was told it was knackard, would have brought a new one but feel that my battery still turns engine over fast enough, and to buy one and still end up no go, will give the battery another charge,and then change the relay over and see what happens. i surppose if battery is dodgy it can put things out, even if you feel it is turning engine over fast enough.
  18. Yeah, i will stick that one back in and see what happens.
  19. Will do that seatkid, i think i might have done the wrong thing here,i did changed that back at the end of summer with a second hand one from a car breakers on ebay,when i was having trouble with limp mode, trying to save money again lol.
  20. Thanks for the info,i will look tomorrow and see if it is a bosch,saying that are they the ones what they call the leak of pipes,if so i have changed them as well.
  21. Filter was ok as i said further up the page, that i had driven thrity odd miles without any trouble,but did change the filter today just in case it had collected any muck in it,but still no joy, had the battery on charge for about 15 hours before trying to start it after fitting fuel filter,and did notice a difference with it turning over,it was not a steady contiuous turn over,sort of fast one minute and slower next with turn of the key,when trying to start the car now it does feel differant turning over,a bit slower than normal,put that down to the power being drawn to the glow plugs now, will be taking battery tomorrow to get it checked out,any dodgy cells out would make a diesel harder to start than a petrol i surpose...
  22. I have been thinking about the battery,does seem to turn over fast enough and does that for sometime before going flat, will get a drop test on it for piece of mind,bubbles have now gone,filter i change at about 8000 miles and since unscrewed the nut on the bottom nothing much came out of there,recently changed the T piece..i will have another go tomorrow, thanks!!
  23. Just to say i found that the 3amp fuse was missing lol,put one back in there and have got power to glow plugs,now it is continually trying to fire up but will not run,there is a clicking sound coming from around the pump area,must be the solenoild i suppose. (get one thing going and you get another) did notice after giving it a run the other day where it drove perfect untill we stop for a good hour and then would not start again,untill i gave it a second shot of easystart,we where only about 1/2 a mile away from home then,but was woundering if we where going to get home as there was a couple of times it trying to cut out.
  24. Will have alook tomorrow seatkid and let you know how i get on,thanks again.
  25. Forgot to mention, is there any more relays and fuses that could be under the bonnet on a mk1,as i cannot find any...
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