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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    South West

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  1. Thanks Cyborg I think i've just fixed it! Decided to disconnect and reconnect battery (in the slight hope it would reset something) When popping off the battery, of the 3 wires connected to the negative, one had broken away at the copper joint onto the battery (the smallest - akin too 13 amp flex size). Reconnected - job done! I do wonder when the time will come to be heat shrinking wires all over the place! Thanks for your help -
  2. Hi all I have a 2007 '57' Alhambra. Problem started last week. Car drives fine, but when you open door (regardless of engine running or not) a relay beneath steering wheel can be heard clicking and at the same time as the tailgate lock and what would apper to be the alarm siren. The interior lights seem to pulse/flash at the same time. Shut the door and it all stops. The same happens when any of the doors(incl boot) are opened. Central locking seems a bit erratic as well (won't unlock all doors). Have checked under passenger footwell and all seems to be dry. Help
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