Hi Guys, any help would be greatly appreciated, Ok so, I loaded the dogs in to the car today and set off to a dog show. I got about 3 miles into my journey and my big Gal's engine management light came on, she spluttered a tad, but then seemed after a few times. I carried on just thinking Hmmmmmm, then, boom.... she totally died. I called the RAC, (Which arrived in 20 mins!) and I explained what had happened. He placed his hand on the keys, turned them, and as if by magic, my big Gal lived! I said "I'll try to drive it home if you want to follow me" and so he agreed. Just as I was going around a roundabout, big Gal died again..... :( Very strange! has anyone had a similar issue? For maybe 5 mins, when I turned the key she didn't even turn over, not even a click from the starter motor. I seems when you leave it a while, all is well. It's like the she is immobilising herself. Thanks in advance to anyone that helps :) P.s the engine sounded perfected when it was running.