Hia guy's and gals, I have a problem with my engine cutting out at dangerous places, mine is also cutting out in a strange manner !!!! I have a mark 11 2.3 Zetec, it has an intermittent starting problem, though it could be once every three or four week's, only twice in the time that I have owned it, has it just cut out and died while driving in a straight line (once on the motor way) but what is stranger than normal, is the fact that it will allway's cut out while going round a roundabout, or turning sharp right with a little more pace than crawling speed, and never while turning left. But when the car straighten's up on the now heavy stearing, I can bump start her and then she run's fine again. Can this be related to the dreaded inaccesible Relay 30 I have heard so much about? Or could it be something more sinister? Any input is greatly appreciated. Best regards