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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by twoc

  1. i had the same thing but managed to pinpoint it to the overhead console, but it does seem yours is with the seat
  2. What spec is your's?
  3. mine are 225/50 r17 w
  4. Hi, what have you tried? I'm just about to wear my first set out, and was looking at the Nexen's.
  5. What phone have you got? As what it is referring to is the internal directory built in to the sony radio. If you have a iphone if you say mobile at the voice command and wait for the iphone tone it will activate the iphones directory, and you will be able to then say the name you need.
  6. Hi the english version of the manual is here: http://www.ford.co.uk/OwnerServices/Owner-Manuals Hope this helps??
  7. Hi i found these here http://www.fordownersclub.com/forums/lofiversion/index.php/t11337.html c42268 - Invalid Data recieved from the Body Control Module c41568 - Invalid Data recieved from the Anti-Lock Braking System Module and http://www.talkford.com/topic/142883-diagnostic-code-c41668/ C41668 = U0416-68 U0416 = Invalid Data Received From Vehicle Dynamics Control Module U0416 = Invalid Data Received From Vehicle Dynamics Control Module 68 = DTC Failure Subtype definition for failure category
  8. Yes it will just grip to the rail, it does mention in the manual the rough placement for them, but at present i'm at work, if you can't find it let me know and i will look it up later.
  9. Also have you got the flush rail or the T tracks?
  10. Which bars have you bought?
  11. I dont know if you're still looking but stunbled upon this on the ford website. http://www.ford.co.uk/hidden/Owner-Manuals
  12. Thanks for that.
  13. Would i be right in thinking with climate control on, but aircon off the system runs just like a normal blower type system, as in it doesn't eat into the mpg?
  14. If you press and hold the unlock button for 3 secs the window go down, and if you lock and press for 3 secs the windows will go up. So would be easy to set off if like me you have everything including the kitchen sink in your pocket! :ph34r:
  15. Found it not much help though! http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.php?/topic/22894-electric-windows-opening-uncommanded/
  16. I have read somewhere about this, though for the life of me can't remember! have you put it into google?
  17. I think it was added to the S-max and Galaxy when they did the facelift late 2010.
  18. Hi thanks for that, i was always told by my dad to use engine breaking, i'll try the block shifting (if i can break the 16 year habit) and see what occurs!
  19. You mean like this, excuse the dust on the dash :lol: So many things influence this, I live pretty close to motorway and don't do a lot of town driving, having said that I do struggle to get it past the 40 MPG where on the MK2 it was fairly easy. Witch craft or photoshop :lol: Tell me your secret!!!
  20. Hi, New here so hello! Recently bought a 2010 Ford Galaxy 2.0 TDCI Titanium for the growing family, and so far so good (touching wood!) Any way my question is, it has the Eco Mode and for the life of me i can not get more than 2 petals for Gears or Speed, i have tried everything driving super smooth, changing gear before the change arrow, driving like my gran, driving like Jenson but nothing still two petals :angry: anticipation all five green, the other two nothing, this has now become my mission to get all categories green. BUT HOW!!!! please save me from myself :rolleyes: Paul.
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