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steve alan

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    North West

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  1. looks like the wire has pulled through the pear drop lead piece at the door lock end, wire has not snapped or broken just pulled through & out of end piece thanks
  2. done all that just need bit of advice on removing the section or complete lock
  3. ​hi all ,has anybody had the end come off the internal door pull wire at the door lock end & repaired it? if so how, is it repairable or do I need a replacement? ​other question is how do I get the section needed to replace or repair out ,or do I need to get the entire lock and outside handle off and out? ​any help on this welcomed thanks in advance ​steve
  4. anybody had the end come off the door pull wire and fixed it? if so how? also how do i get just the bit arrowed in dig out or do i have to take complete lock and outer handel off to get at it? any help welcomed thanks in advance steven
  5. hi cleaning & refurbing my 115hp turbo ,noticed 1 bolt was a little bent (there are 3 holding the plate down )looked on flea bay but cannot find them(or know size/name) anywhere any help welcomed name, size,where to buy (or order) took pic of flea bay bolts ringed email that firm seems the only come with kit and the cannot get them separately hope it pops up thanks steve
  6. well done all these things suggested, funny thing is if I hold revs on at 2000 2500 3000 it don't smoke much if at all, it's when you let the revs die then blip it that's when it starts to smoke ,build revs up smoke goes ,any ideas? as where to look. I even took off the air pipes for turbo, inlet and outlet so as to make sure it's not got smoke coming from those pipes, not run without exhaust yet to check that part , do you think it could be the oil rings? There is some back pressure at the top but wouldn't say excessive. don't really want to buy a new turbo cartridge ,just incase its the turbo housing that's at fault any visual way of testing that, think there is only 1 spring steel seal in it and sure that was replaced on rebuild ? thanks in advance steve
  7. thanks for the replys, no it don't smoke on startup, nor tickover, just when you rev it ,after a while smoke thins out, let revs die smoke goes, then quick blip its back as before, it does seem to thicken up round 2000 revs will try takin exhaust off and trying get back later with results I did think there might of been a way of disabling the turbo and running it as non turbo, just to test & eliminate the turbo from the equation steve
  8. hi well my galaxy is nearly finished, I have replaced virtually everything on it inc eng,(but not chassis/body/interior) but it is still smoking (blue) James bond smoke screen style I rebuilt turbo (one of them eBay turbo seal kits) still no luck, so now instead of replacing I need to eliminate stuff(sick of the work and the spending) thinking it now has to be one of 4 things 1. rings,(so need to do compression test to find out if any cyl low) 2. valve stems oil seals (although I don't think the would cause the amount of smoke it produces) 3. erg valve 4. the bloody turbo again. 5. intercooler soaked in oil (did check both pipes inlet pipe was wet but not excessively outlet was dryish) now my question is, is there any way of running the car (just to test) without the oil feed pipe for the turbo?(block it off & if so with what, if still smokes I can then can eliminate the turbo. also as for erg what's the best way to eliminate that , the old ball bearing trick in the vacuum pipe? or completely block off with a plate? finally anybody in the Manchester area got a diesel compression tester, that would/could test it for me?(sorry but galaxy is off road so would have to call round) thanks in advance steve
  9. thanks for all the advice will take it all into consideration just waitin on some better weather before starting the job, and as going to replace all ,will prob destroy the tops if it makes life easy i will try and get a step by step photo montarge of what i did and how i did it and as the mod said he will try and get it up on here thanks to the members for there imput wish me luck as not a youngster at 62,(my son was going to help but has now cried off) but like to get the jobs done without breaking the bank and as the struts & springs for both sides plus the other little bit only cost about £70 it's worth sorting myself other than a couple of hundred quid (maybe more?) to a garage for the work not gonna be done anytine soon as working outside (in the open) so want a bit of good weather first thanks steve
  10. yes thanks to all who replied, did a google search and it came up with the results quicker than the search on here, problem is they dont go into much depth on how to! some say you can get out with the rubber bush intact ,but how? some say you can cut (with grinder) between rubber bushes? there seems to be loads of i did it this way, but very little on how it was done,what you have to do etc so I was thinking of clamping the springs, so i could cut (grinder) through the shock thus allowing me to pull out the rubbers and rusted nut etc from the top? but would this work or is there something i am missing that would not allow this to be done? thanks in advance ps think i might take pics at all stages and post as a how to if all goes ok ,(that's if there is a how to section? and members are allowed to do that?) steve
  11. just done a search for front struts /front struts removal came up blank , cannot belive that there is no topics on this problem somebody want to point me in right direction please mine make a noise when turning (recon its the bearing) so replacing both sides complete setup, looks a bugger of a job getting the top nut off as rusted up, bought a small air grinder/cutter thought it woud fit in to cut nut off ,no chance of it fitting, so ant help on a good (and easy) if poss way of removal welcomed steve
  12. mine make a right noise when turning side to side, problem is the top nut is well rusted,so want to check out post to see any ideas as to getting the nuts off to replace rubbers & bearings,replaced all the other stuff just these left,was thinking of just cutting tho the shock near top and lifting out might save some time ,then just replace with new shock ps. thanks sparky for the reply going to search now steve
  13. dont know if this permited but there is a little prog ,(google for "VWTool") you will need a laptop and a cheap usb blue lead offa flea bay ,prog lets you clear ,check etc sim type to vag com program (not as good but free & works)
  14. Thanks for the reply will check the board out and report back steven
  15. thanks a member pm me its the rear heater blower thanks steve
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