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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    1995 Galaxy

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  1. Have tried that, it doesn't make any diffference. Its the fact that it sometimes doesn't start again if you stop it on the key.
  2. I have a problem with my 99 Galaxy 2.0 Petrol. When you put full lock on it dies, this is not the problem as such because I think this could be easy to fix. The problem is it refuses to start again, sometimes for hours. Sometimes you turn off the ignition and then it just won't start again. It never cuts out apart from as above and once it starts it keeps going and drives fine. It always turns over at the normal speed with the key it just doesn't start. Any one had a similar experience either with the full lock problem or the none starting problem. Cheers Nick
  3. Is it common for the wiper arm bearings to fail and for the wipers to lock mid stroke. Are the parts likely to be readily available ?? Cheers Nick
  4. What kind of MPG should I be getting from the van ? It is a 95 Galaxy GLI 2.0 Petrol. I had a 3.0L V6 Explorer before this and it wasn't much worse and that was an automatic. Cheers Nick
  5. I cleaned it but it made no difference. In the end I bit the bullet and had Ford do a diagnostic and replace it. He said the ECU had so many faults in it that they had to wipe it and then run the vehicle so it generated a new fault. It had faults for low battery voltage and alarm activations or so they said :ph34r: . Cheers guys Nick
  6. Well its all sorted and it was the Air Bypass Valve what ever that is. Is this the same as the Idler Air Control Valve ??? Thanks for the assistance peeps. Will be back with more problems soon I don't doubt. Cheers Nick
  7. Will do. Cheers Nick
  8. Thanks for that excellent diagnosis. It is booked in for a brain scan tomorrow morning. :-) Nick
  9. Tried that but made no difference. I also disconnected the ECM and plugged it in again as this is supposed to clear any learnt settings but that made no difference either. Disconnected a few sensors whilst running and they all seem to be functioning as you can hear the engine stutter as they are removed. The Air idler control must be working as the engine dies when unplugged. Any ideas ??? Cheers
  10. Will try that. Cheers
  11. Greetings from a Newbie and I am glad I found the board as I have been looking for a Galaxy board for a while. I have a slight problem with the car that it stalls when dropping down from high revs. This is only after it has warmed up but if you rev to say 3K and then let it return to idle it drops down to 500rpm before returning to 1000rpm. Sometimes it will be ok but most of the time it will stall at 500rpm. It all seemed to start when the battery died when the cold snap came. Replaced the battery and it started to play silly buggers. Quick look thru the Haynes possibly points to the ECM but will it have died or lost its basic settings. Can it be reset or is it a trip to the dealer. Any help would be appreciated as it is causing the wife stress as she can't steer when it dies and it is usually as she approaches a roundabout or similar. Cheers Nick
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