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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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  • Vehicle Type
    Ford Galaxy Edge Tdci
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    South West

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    Hemel Hempstead

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  1. HI Thanks i have checked the coolant level and its ok
  2. HI Any reply Please Thanks
  3. HI This problem is intermittent.Fan comes on at any time,car starts to run sluggish as if it is in wrong gear.If i pull over it smells of burning rubber.Sometimes the oil service light comes on even though a service is not due.This last's for about 15 minutes then fan goes off and all goes back to normal,if i turn the engine off whilst this is happening it seems to reset and go back to normal,however if i do this it happens again very soon after Regards, 2008 58 Reg Ford Galaxy Edge Auto
  4. I nead information Do DPF removal Effect On Turbocharger?Also Because of After removal of DPF and No good software update Cause fan on? :unsure: today one of person worked in ford told me bacause i removed dpf so turbocharger faild also he said yours new tubocharger also in risk.he said software after removal was not good so it crupted evevry thing
  5. I had same prob which ended up replaceing new turbo charger..car still fixing i will get it tomorow then i will post it if there is smoke or not
  6. W Aslam Brother Saif Rehman Fan prob is still same and i had to face another prob that is turbo charger ..today i went to c one friend and all of sudden when i acelrate kit kit sound comes with lot of smoke......my friend said its turbo charger :unsure: New one is £1100 from Europarts All prob start after DPF Removed any sugestion please? Ramadhan Mubarik TO you
  7. Saif ur Rahman I left the car today at for ..lets c what will they say.......i will post here what ever they will find
  8. Thanks for reply Yes coolant level is ok When i start the car and drive like very small distance fan starts till i stop the car and swithed off Any reason please Many regards
  9. Hi every one I have ford galaxy edge 58 2008 i noticed yesterday that my car radiator fan come on so often even if i drive just a street distance its comes on it was not like this before. today was raining here and weather was cool but after few minute i started drive fan comes on what will be the reason if any body help please Thanks Many Regards
  10. Hi Thanks for reply I think the magnet dnt work on pound coin :D
  11. Hi thanks for reply I asked many people but no body know what to do :D
  12. Hi, I wonder if anyone can help me please. My son put some coins in my Ford Galaxy 2008 air vent i think.annoying rattle noise come when evevr i turn my car on turning,i tried to search the coin with snake tube camra but faild.what i do ?how do i remove coin? I am taxi driver and all the time while customer with me i have to explain why this noise is coming and some customer dnt like it. Could anyone please help me on this mater.please any body help me how do i remove dash or air vent to remove coin. Many thanks.
  13. I am sorry i will post it in its right place :)
  14. Hi, I wonder if anyone can help me please. My son put some coins in my Ford Galaxy 2008 air vent i think.annoying rattle noise come when evevr i turn my car on turning,i tried to search the coin with snake tube camra but faild.what i do ?how do i remove coin? I am taxi driver and all the time while customer with me i have to explain why this noise is coming and some customer dnt like it. Could anyone please help me on this mater.please any body help me how do i remove dash or air vent to remove coin. Many thanks.
  15. Hi Hope every body in this forum is fine I m sorry if this topic is discussed before I have bought ford galaxy edge 2008 auto Mileage is 88000 Couple of days ago when I start the car and change gear in to D engine warning light comes on with beeping and its says Engine Malfunction ,also wiper starts itself. If I switched off engine and after few second later start again then its beck to normal, it
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