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    Galaxy Ghia 1.9 TDI PD 115

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  1. done all that .... have even replaced the whole cluster and the fault is the same. Must be a wire somewhere at fault but so far i cant find it.
  2. cheers guys i will now rip it off with no fear
  3. Just to confirm its the rear drivers side tail light. The bulb is the one with both the tail light and brake light with just the tail light part not working. The number plate light works but on both sides the little tail light bulb does not work but i have since found that if you wiggle the small bulb on the passenger side around it then works but goes out once you drive, guessing the vibrations while driving knock it back out. So its the drivers side small tail light bulb and big taillight bulb not working. cant see any broken wires but i have not have a invasive look and will maybe pay for someone to look.
  4. Me again....... Feel stupid asking this but here goes. I was looking at the fuse box under the steering wheel and it seems to have a clear plastic cover on, how the hell do you remove this to change a fuse? mine seems bloody hard surely I am doing something very wrong lol.
  5. Thanks BrianH I will have a look this weekend. Forgive a stupid question but why is the brake light cable on the top of the boot door? seems strange.
  6. Thanks for the help guys...... I changed the cluster and the problem still exists. Not sure where to check next but I have noticed that the smaller tail light bulb does not work.
  7. cheers for that. my brake light works but seems slightly dimmer than the other but for some reason the taillamp part of the bulb fails to work. at the cost of a new bulb cluster being only £12.50 on Ebay i have decided to replace it in the hope that will fix my issue. Is this a common issue? anyone else had it? im dreading it being a wire fault as i will be screwed and will have to pay to fix it.
  8. Hi peeps Ok my rear drivers side tail lamp bulb has blown...... Replaced the bulb and still nothing however the brake filiment on the same bulb does work...... Could it be as simple as to replace the whole rear bulb cluster/holder? No idea really and at risk of being an idiot ..... What are the 3 different bulbs for 1 indicator and 1 brake/taillamp but what is the small one for? As always cheers Mk2 2003 1.9 115
  9. Ok an Update. I managed to get that dam cover off and replace the loom. All my problems are now cured that little red LED flash on the door has also be solved by replacing the wiring loom. So it was related.
  10. I did this very job last weekend....... many swearwords later i finally managed to get that bolt undone..... trail and error with a spanner in my case. Good luck
  11. Im just waiting for an injector loom to replace but having looked on here im thinking my problem could turn out to be something different. Ok i have cylinda 1 misfire and electrical malfunction and immobilizer blocked at engine start up. The car always starts first time but runs rough due to the misfire. The red LED on the drivers door is normal on the first start up but if i stop and turn off then on to reset the misfire the LED light has a party and flashes rapidly. Do you think my injector problem could really be a relay problem? I guess if after changing the injector loom if the misfire is still there maybe i should look at the relay. Any ideas?
  12. Try a breakers yard or ebay before Fraud or a VW stealer
  13. I will be changing one of these looms very soon. I have the part from a VW dealer who will give it a 2 year unlimited warranty even with it going on a Galaxy they just wont include labour. All in £52.55 usual price from them is £58.39. Just wish me luck changing it lol.
  14. Thank guys I have managed get the part from a VW parts seller for £52.55 including VAT. My Gal has done around 135.000 miles. Im guessing i should replace the rocker cover gasket while im at it. Anyone know where i can get injectors reconditioned ??????
  15. FAIL ......i have just brought one on amazon for £13..... thanks for looking
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