Hi all, I have just bought my first Galaxy a w reg tdi. On the drive home the car went in to the famouse limp mode. I got the car cheap so was not that bothered as i have a good knowledge of cars,, or so i thought lol. I bought a vag scanner and plugged it in and the code that came up were 17958 (p1550) charge pressure deviation. and 17563 manifold pressure sensor short to b+ positive, what the hell does that mean b+ positive? The car is hard to start when warm ie= 10 seconds but starts first time when cold. I have also noticed when its hard to start i some times get a single beep, sounds like its coming from the key area, Have i bought a wrong un or is this common. I think the p..ck i bought it off has tried to have a go at it as there is tale tale signs. Many thanks in advance. Oh and by the way i think its a 110 hp