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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    2006 Galaxy 2.0
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  1. Hi lee & Gregers thanks for the comments, the car is in the garage at the moment, so i hope they give it a thorough check, intial thoughts it's not an issue so maybe similar to your noise. The Problem for me is it's got a limited warranty & i'd rather get it sorted if it's an actual fault, but after reading your comment & a previous comment then I am a little more happy. Last thing I want is a bill 3 months down the line when the warranty has expired. It's not getting any worse.....famous last words! so if they come back with no fault found then I will wait till the warmer weather kicks in & see if it goes......before the warranty expires!
  2. Hi I bought it from a dealer. :rolleyes:
  3. Hi, thanks for the earlier response, UPDATE. Just spoke to my local Ford dealer. The service guy said worst case senerio it could be the steering rack beginning to break up, the noise is the pump be starved of fluid because the filter in the Fluid bottle is fowling up with debris from the steering rack... Sound pheasible?? I have no idea myself :rolleyes: but it does seem to be getting worse hence this repsonse.
  4. Hi, thanks for the response, I didn't notice the whine when I bought the car & took it for a test drive, so was concerned that it was a problem. The first few days of driving the car the noise didn't seem to kick in until driving, but now it is there as soon as you start the engine. Does that mean I will have to put up with the noise as it is annoying? :rolleyes: Is there any components that could be replaced to resolve the noise?
  5. I have just bought a Galaxy 2.0 TDCi 2006 model & about a day after collecting it i noticed a mild whine when driving. The car has Full dealer service history, which I checked prior to buying the vehicle so maybe just bad luck something is in the need of attention. The noise kicks in when you start to drive & goes off when I have been stationary for a minute or so. On further investigation I have discovered it is appears when turning the steering wheel left & right, but it appear to be coming from the engine compartment not the actual steering wheel itself. I will be taking it back to the dealer, but would be nice to know if anyone else has had a similar issue & knows what is actually is? thanks.
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